Monday, May 19, 2008

Well, well, well, seven years too late, but the Bush 43 White House Staff is doing their jobs.

Apparently, in a shift of administration policy away from ignoring media bias, the Administration is actually asking news organizations to actually report the news.

Humorously enough, most other news organizations were more than happy to broadcast these embarassments. But it seems from the NBC news' website that they have only meekly included the unedited video and not the letter from the White House.

First, the White House notes a deceptively edited interview.

"NBC's selective editing of the President's response is clearly intended to give viewers the impression that he agreed with Engel's characterization of his remarks when he explicitly challenged it. Furthermore, omitted the references to al Qaeda, Hezbollah and Hamas and ignored the clarifying point in the President's follow-up response that U.S. policy is to require Iran to suspend its nuclear enrichment program before coming to the table, not that "negotiating with Iran is pointless" and amounts to "appeasement.""

I mean, we all expect NBC news to use edited interviews to convey the impression that the editor's desire. And I am sure that their deceptive editing had nothing to do with the point blank adoration that all members of the media has towards Obama.

The White House also had a shot at the "dammit, why aren't we losing the war faster?" sensibilities of the media.

"I noticed that around September of 2007, your network quietly stopped referring to conditions in Iraq as a "civil war." Is it still NBC News's carefully deliberated opinion that Iraq is in the midst of a civil war? If not, will the network publicly declare that the civil war has ended, or that it was wrong to declare it in the first place?"

Finally, something else I have touched on. Question: When is .6% quarterly growth not a recession? Answer: Only if Clinton is president.

"Lastly, when the Commerce Department on April 30 released the GDP numbers for the first quarter of 2007, Brian Williams reported it this way: "If you go by the government number, the figure that came out today stops just short of the official declaration of a recession."The GDP estimate was a positive 0.6% for the first quarter. Slow growth, but growth nonetheless.

Well, finally the White House doing something that they should have been doing since 2002.

I guess someone finally read this book. Bush's War, a study of the media bias in reporting his war efforts. Basically, reporters would report the exact opposite of what Bush had said.


surprise surprise, it looks like i was right, NBC news is not going to respond:

“Our reporting accurately reflects the interview. Just as the White House does not participate in the editorial process at the Washington Post, the Wall Street Journal or USA Today, NBC News, as part of a free press in a free society, makes its own editorial decisions,” the network said in a statement.

Gillespie said NBC News’ response “misses the point.”

It’s simply absurd for people to have to log on to the Internet and stream video to get accurate information from NBC News,” he said.

Asked by whether NBC News planned to respond to Gillespie’s question about the Iraq war, a spokeswoman referred to the above statement and said via e-mail, “that is our complete response.”


Anonymous said...

Well it is nice to see the White House getting in some last licks.
Consider NBC Pwned.

AskJoe said...

now now, using the term pwned will get you a wedgie on this site.