Monday, May 05, 2008

Man, bitter, clings to faith.

However, since this man is an elite, there is no clinging to his guns.

And actually, that is surprising because, as a married man, I would have thought that this person would follow the transformation that most of my acquaintances and friends have made. That is another post, but basically, from what I have seen, when a man gets a house and a wife, and maybe some kids (and definitely when he gets a daughter), that man, even a brie eating, chardonnay-sipping multiculturalist, starts considering the need to protect his family.

But I digress. Maybe his lack of respect for gun ownership indicates that he is not a real man. Then again, to listen to his supporters, I don’t think that they think he is a real man either. Rather, they (Ozombies) seem to consider Obama (Odumbo) to be Jesus. Well, some sort of politically correct, ultra-man (you realize that the strict-constructionist-Darwinists out there believe life got started on earth by aliens planting the seeds of life on Earth (god is so lower-class)). Whatever, the Ozombies mindlessly chant his name, faint in his presence, and donate money to his campaign. And they worship him.

Anyway, much like the good folk of America that he considers simpletons that cling to guns and God because they haven’t had a job in 25 years (talk about a Union mentality, “nope, no job hunting for me, I will just wait until they reopen the foundry.”), Odumbo bitterly clings to his faith in high taxes.

The story is old, but the implications are still huge. When confronted with facts about the Laffer curve that lowering the capital gains tax raises overall revenue brought in to the government at the last debate, Odumbo stuck to socialism's tired dogma. For those of you with fake degrees instead of MBA’s (chances are, your degree is for nose picking. Simple test, is your degree a BS? No? Then congrats on wasting your time), the simple reason is that lower taxes make it easier to run a business. Easier business running makes bosses more likely to hire more workers, and so on. Liberals seem to have a simplistic, unnuanced belief that bosses exist merely to layoff workers, harass the girls, and not promote the minorities. So, when asked why he would raise the capital gains tax rate, what did the Messiah, the One, the Chosen, the hope, the change, the etc., etc., say?

Odumbo said that he would raise the tax anyway. Just because. You know, it would make life more fair or something. Look, he said what he said out of pure blind dogma. It's his faith, his creed. Tax. Spend. Repeat. People who are successful are bad-unless they are easily duped, rich Hollywood liberals.

Great, so he holds on to his socialist dogma. Yeah, raise taxes and punish the running dog capitalist oppressors while at the same time ignoring your mutual funds. and your job. What a tool. Honestly, this guy couldn’t think his way outside an open paper bag. In the interest of bipartisanship that the Democrat party is famous for (only 31% crazy, BTW*), I can’t wait to start using the Clarence Thomas school of nuance in discussing Odumbo’s accomplishments (like graduating from college, must be cough cough, racial preferences).

* 31% of registered Democrat voters think that BUSH planned/caused 9-11. Yup, a third of a major political party are disgusting truthers. Then again, Obie went to a “church,” that believes that AIDS was created by “the Man,” to kill minorities. So, what can you do?

So, there you go. A policy statement for hope and change from Odumbo. He will change tax policy to kill your 401K and hurt your company. And he will hope that his tax rate increase won’t repeat the historical consequences of these taxes.

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