Wednesday, May 14, 2008

You youngin's may not recognize the cracker in this video. That, fair children, is the true worst president of these United States from nearly every angle. You can blame him for Iran. You can blame him for giving away the Panama Canal. And you can blame him for 17% inflation and actual gas shortages. Yes, Ojebus is running on the bring back Carter platform. Well, it was either that or Clinton. Maybe he got confused. They both start with C. Ace's verdict, Odumbo is dumber than a bag of retards. I personally think he is an amiable dunce, someone who has a gift for reading cue cards, an empty suit.

n that note, someone else notes that, contrary to what I have been led to believe, that McCain will whoop on ZerObama in any townhall style debate. Apparently, facing off against an adverse crowd is not as threatening to him as having bamboo slivers shoved under one's fingernails.

Hmm, maybe McCain will earn another $5 from me if this is true (McCain's rebuttal of Obama's confrontational style as being slightly less dignified than someone who hits their brother then goes running to hide behind mom put him in the money, although the Huckabee rumors negated that instantly.)(Oh yeah, Happy Mother's Day, Mom!).

Remember, my campaign slogan: Can we describe Obama as an amiable dunce who is gifted with a flair for oration? yes, we can!

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