Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Dude, where is that recession? To quote people who actually know things about things about money, a recession is two quarters of the economy contracting. For the "science is a social construct crowd," that means that the economy shrinks, gets smaller, is less big, etc., and does so for half a year, about six months.

So, this gets filed under the "please, Global Warming, please make America a land of ashen faces and empty bellies, let our troops lie dying in despair at the feet of our so called enemies, just so long as I can feed my irrational hatred of the president. Damn you, Bush. Why won't this country fucking die to spite you?" file. You know I know what I am talking about. As I said earlier, one third of the Democrat party is filled with insane paranoid delusions and has an absolute hatred for our rather moderate president.

My point is this: despite the goobers in the media discussing a recession. And despite Obama pandering to his rich white base about how awful everything is, the economy has yet to actually go red, that is, go negative. It's still growing.

"But, but, but housing prices are going down!" Look, hippy, stay on target. Aren't cheaper homes a smaller barrier to homeownership? Aren't falling home prices a result of new home construction? What, were you going to sell the house you just bought? Ever hear of closing costs? A house is an investment and life is not to be lived that way. The stupid (who are usually poor) always pay. Nonetheless, low housing prices are not the economy. They are a piece of something much bigger.

Back to the main point, I see people talking about a recession. What recession? What the hell? We can talk about gas prices because high gas prices do affect infrastructure. You can take the bus, the guy who gets your milk from the farm to Safeway can't do that and he gets creamed (get it?). But, as I will go into agonizing depth later, these high gas prices are the direct result of our energy policy. Hell, Algae (al gore) has openly daydreamed about high gas prices being mother earth and global warmenating's salvation. We need supplies to keep up with demand. It's that simple. If we refuse to build new refineries and do some drilling here, then prices will go up, almost as naturally as water flows downhill. It's a law of economics, look it up. Or better yet, try to break that law, sell something for less than it's market value and see how long you can keep that up.

The point remains. What recession? Stop talking about it! Ace had one good point though, unlike the recession resulting from Clinton's Bubble, there was no rah-rah from the media, so the recent correction did not result from overvaluation like the Clinton Bubble Tech Crash.

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