Monday, July 14, 2008

You know what?
Fuck that John McCain. As a nose plug voter, I know I have to accept that I only agree with maybe 15% of his platform whereas Obama himself has no clue as to what he actually believes. I assume that Obama is a megalomaniacal socialist, and we all know how well those guys work.

But you know what. I am sick of getting insulted by him. If he hates conservatives so much, then fine. I'll vote for Obama. I may even campaign for Obama. How about that swing in synergy? It's the worst thing I can do.

Look, I don't want to adopt Mexico. I think that 300 million Americans is quite enough. Instead of taking in every person in the world who lives in an economic and political basketcase (i.e., everyone), let's work to promote Truth, Justice and the American Way, the shit that makes us an awesome country. So, I disagree with Mav on his insane ideas on immigration. That doesn't make me a bad person.

But, so what? no matter what I do, I think that Obama is going down in flames. Sorry, folks. Even if Obama does win, I can at least say don't blame me, no one would think that I would vote for Obama anyway.

So yeah, what is the worst that would happen with an Obama presidency? An inglorious retreat from Iraq? The return of Al Qaeda in Mesopotamia? The slaughter of thousands of Iraqis? A war with Iran resulting in the slaughter of Israelis and Iranians and Iraqis (Obie is sure to screw this one up)? Chief Justice Hillary Clinton? 40% income tax rate? 30% capital gains tax? Obama's new KGB (I mean, holy shit, what?)? The return of California and Arizona and New Mexico to Mexico? It's not like public school kids aren't already being indoctrinated into becoming insanely lazy, deviant, anti-American, whiners.

Whatever. the guy is the return of Jimmy Carter. So be it. What makes me think that McCain isn't going to at least 2/3 of the dumb shit that Obama is going to do?

Blind party loyalty? I'm no sucker, and I ain't your bitch, Mav.

I don't know though. I would feel bad if I were responsible for a repeat of democrat treachery like that which occurred in Vietnam. Chief Justice Hillary Clinton sounds awful for the people who would choose to remain in this country. I am sure that somewhere, deep inside my patriotism will force me to do what is right for this country, even as Mav spits in my eye. But really, isn't dissent the highest form of patriotism? Dissent being more essential than actually loving or supporting your country? I mean, sure gramps stormed the beaches at Normandy, but did he ever interupt a citizenship swearing in ceremony or congressional testimony or cement over railroad tracks over which military goods are conveyed? What a hater!

God, the only thing I hate more than McCain right now remains the left (99% give the other 1% a bad name). How long will that last?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I should be working but got distracted by your blog as usual.
Stop being SO entertaining.
Really I have work to do. ;)