You know, one of the things I noticed about a lot of Democrats slash liberals is how ready they are to pat themselves on their back. You know, they are so smart, so nuanced, so good basically. In another post, I will write how, for most dems, their party loyalty is based more on vanity than anything else, that being a dem for some girls is the same as Carrie from the Golden Girls (I mean, Sex and the City) buying Prada. If you buy it, then you get to live the dream. "Look at me, I blindly vote democrat, I must be hip," "or listen to me, I am going to mindlessly repeat something John Stewart said, I must be hip and smart."
Anyway, check out this photo:
Yup, the batshit crazy leftists are out parroting the party line. McCain, the pain in Bush's ass, the embarrassment to conservatives, the would-be-adopter-of-Mexico (amnesty), the apparent believer in the great pagan god of global warming (i.e., dirt worshiper) is now equal to Bush.
Get it?
You see, the left has decided, in their cocoon like arrogance, that Bush is bad (they equate his low job performance numbers with their own insane hatred of Bush) and therefore think that tying McCain to Bush is good for them. I can see how that line of reasoning would work with your garden variety moonbat and other assorted socialists. But really? Will that line of reasoning really work on one of the legendary undecideds?
First of all, there is the arrogant conclusory nature of the whole thing. You notice this when arguing with libs. A statement just is. Let's not bother to really substantiate it. McCain is Bush. Why? Oh because of tax cuts. Or the war. So, you are running on tax cuts and the war. Or are you really running on your silly assumption that your absolute hatred of the president, the hatred to which you would feed American defeat in Iraq, is shared by normal people? Which is it?
Of course, McCain isn't probably smart enough to actually defend W. I mean, 52 straight months of economic growth. a record, ya know. not enough? Low unemployment? meh? Of course not, McCain parrots the gloom and doom crowd. Fine, whatever, Bush has low approval ratings because what else is a normal person going to think: name one positive story in years. They have no basis by which to think W is doing a good job. On the other hand, they don't hate the guy like these assholes do.
At least McCain owns the war. Apparently, he helped convince W to fire some generals and listen to Petraeus. McCain owns the surge, almost as much as W. If McCain runs from that, then what is the point of even running for president.
You see? I can't even bitch about this without starting to hate on McCain. But McCain=Bush?
Aside from arrogant conclusory blindness, there is also the pathetic need for the leftists to disturb things. Fine, assume that you are a leftist and have been told that McCain=Bush and you therefore now believe that with all of your heart. The same McCain for whom the left had cried for because he was soundly beaten by Bush in 2000. The McCain that the New York Times endorsed. The Maverick! The man who stood up to mean old republicans. Fine, flip the switch, all that old stuff goes down the memory hole, leftists are good at that.
What leftists are also good at are these brownshirt exhibitions. It's not enough for a leftist to sit around their house tittering with other lefties about how Bush=McCain. Nope, you have to actually go disturb a McCain rally. Much like Code Pink feels the need to invade and interrupt a citizenship ceremony. I use the term brownshirt because, golly gee, that is how they started out too. Actual history will show that Mussolini was essentially the Che of his day. The cool socialist. And hmm, what party did the brown shirts break shit for? Oh right, the National Socialist German Party. Just because your crazy aunt decided to go all fascist on you doesn't make it any less revolting.
So, yeah, Bush=McCain. Fuck. Where is Mitt? Where is Fred? The sad thing is is that for a nose-plug McCain voter like myself, this actually motivates me. Before, I wasn't going to do dick to help McCain. Now? I may actually send him $4. This behavior just shows that not only is the Democrat party the thuggish, union and mobbed up city machine it has always been, but that nationally, it is a braindead collection of the worst sort of anti-American degenerates. So, here in DC, I get to see AMG65's with Obama and No-Blood-For-Oil stickers and only get a taste of one third of the disgusting flavor, the rich white atheist wing, of that party. At least the union thug wing can think for themselves (or whoever made up the Reagan Democrats). That picture shows all too clearly how little thinking actually goes on in the intelligentsia ass-end of the party.
1 comment:
Kickass diatribe. You rule. ;)
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