Thursday, July 31, 2008

OMG, Odumbo is the dumbest person ever!

Can you believe the things this guy says?

Democrat Barack Obama, the first black candidate with a shot at winning the White House, says John McCain and his Republican allies will try to scare them by saying Obama "doesn't look like all those other presidents on the dollar bills."

duh, only one president is on the dollar bill! What, give him the benefit of the doubt that he was talking about presidents on each denomination of currency? Never, as we learned from Slate's Bushisms, no mercy will be given. In fact, if we've learned anything from the left, it's that accurate quotation is just a social construct erected by dead white male paternonormative types.

So, let's change it up, can you believe Obama said "I don't believe that I look like president Ben Franklin on the 3 dollar bill!" God damn, what moron. Franklin wasn't even a president and there is no such thing as a 3 dollar bill.

Whew, it's fun being a pain in the ass. If Obie does manage to become president, I can't wait for my Impeach Obama bumper sticker to arrive. or for my 1-29-2012, end of an error sticker.

Anyway seriously, Odumbo gave some speech in front of Eurotrash. And boy, am I embarrassed to report that he did not even give it in French. What a typical moronic American, he can't even be bothered to learn to speak the language of every country to which he travels.

Anyway, in his incredibly boring speech on the Berlin Airlift, he gets everything wrong. First, I listened to snippets of his speech. He managed to turn the story of the airlift into a boring series of declarative sentences and evidently, the airlift was about us all coming together as one.

Ooooommmmmmmmmmmm. Boy my chakras feel great with all this hope, change, and unity!

Ok, first, his speechifying. Boring, vapid, pointless. Not exactly how I expected Athiest-Jesus to sound. I mean really, the word on the street is that the guy can't talk without a teleprompter, but this crap speech wasn't much better.

Next, the content. Oh boy!

Right. Since Obie has no clue what he is talking about,
others have pointed out that Truman had to hold the line against red-senators who wanted to surrender Berlin and cowardly generals who didn't want to scratch the paint on the USAF's precious planes.

That is, instead of being a feel-good community outreach event, the real Berlin Airlift was predicated on the guts of one president who would not back down, who would not give
up. Someone who stood up to the bad guys and told left-wing shit-bag politicians that no, we aren't going to give in to the reds.

So, first, leftists of course, always choose the course of action that will harm America, and the Berlin Airlift was no exception. Sen. McGovern and Sen. Wallace are credited with opposing the damn thing. of course. And, gee, didn't Obie oppose the surge on general anti-american principles? yes. The sad truth about this speech is that Obie would have been one of the knee-jerk leftwing politicians that opposed the Berlin Airlift, his great example of unity and all that. You can see the rationale out there, the moral equivalency between America and totalitarian states, the desire for peace through submission, a desire not to provoke, and plus, Truman, was sort of la-di-dah, yo know? Not quite Harvard material, if you catch my drift.

So, what is the point? Obie should stop using historical lessons to pat himself on the back when it is clear that he would have been one of the brainless people blocking the heroic actions of the President who made it happen, whether it's the lib, soviet sympathizers like Wallace and McGovern who opposed the blockade or whether it's modern lib, enemy-sympathizers like Clinton, Obama, Reid, Kennedy, Mikulski, etc. who opposed the surge that Bush held the line on. Of course, these modern left-wing traitors did so more to fuck with Bush than to support AQ, but the end result would have been the same. And really, they basically fucked with national security for political points.

Also, his praise of the Berliner's seems more like an endorsement of the cargo cultists of certain backwards peoples. check it:

"But in the darkest hours, the people of Berlin kept the flame of hope burning. The people of Berlin refused to give up. And on one fall day, hundreds of thousands of Berliners came here, to the Tiergarten, and heard the city's mayor implore the world not to give up on freedom. "There is only one possibility," he said. "For us to stand together united until this battle is won...The people of Berlin have spoken. We have done our duty, and we will keep on doing our duty. People of the world: now do your duty...People of the world, look at Berlin!"

What really? No, the true heroes were the pilots who kept going, the mechanics who kept the planes flyable, and the president that made it happen. You know, the Americans. Hate to say it, but typical liberal pablum, yes let's praise the Germans for sitting around waiting for food to drop from the sky from Americans. That's liberalism in a nut-shell.

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