Thursday, July 31, 2008
First off, let's talk about you.
Now tell me the truth. Did you really enjoy this? No, stop. Stop. Its ok. I am not grading you. This is not for me, this is for you. You should not spend your life parroting conventional wisdom. So, just take a breath and think really hard.
So, tell me,! I want the truth!
What? Yes, any good-will the movie generated in its apparent first 5 hours of run time did sort of evaporate as this Wagnerian Ring Cycle of a movie hit the twelve hour mark. Whew, you see? It feels good to tell the truth.
Come on, let it out, it's ok. I understand.
Yeah, I would agree that this joker fella did seem to be almost cartoonish in his ultra-competence and near perfect-ego. I also feel conflicted because you know; he is, after all, a "super" villian, just as batman is a superhero, incorruptible and almost fully competent? But still, you have to draw the line somewhere. And, sure, homage should be paid to the late Ledger. I know, shhh, the lip smacking got old. But, maybe it was supposed to be annoying.
Look, no need to get nasty, I agree that Maggie Gylenahalelelalal is nowhere near as hot as Katie Holmes. And it is true, her role did not actually need an actor beyond what a hot chick like Kates could pull off. But still, to say that Mags has not been attractive to you outside of Secretary is mean.
But, that is ok too. We are in the truth zone.
Hey buddy, now you are getting really mean, but I understand, as cool as Aaron Eckhart is, I do not think the movie really made any sense as far as what the two-face character was supposed to be. Oh, another dude with a gun in Gotham city. ooohhhhh, scary!
And what? No, Batman is not a cripple. Chris Nolan prefers to film the fight scenes in a staccato rhythm to hide any actual fighting. I know, I preferred the crisp Matrix fighting scenes where you could actually see the fights, but this is art. you know?
Ok, now you are getting ridiculous, shame on you. I still like the president, so this whole Batman-Bush thing doesn't upset me. It upsets you? What? Not enough Bush bashing out there in the rest of Hollywood for you? God, grow up. Seriously, just saying the word, "Halliburton," is not even an argument and doing so doesn't even make sense. Listen, good people sometimes have to kill bad people. If Lord Obama has to throw his Grandma, Wright, Rezko, and Ayers under the bus, then he may also engage in a little light bombing at times too. Hey, at least Bush knows there are only 50 states and I never heard him complain about the price of arugula. And, maybe Sheik Khalid Mohamed needed to be waterboarded.
Fine, I see that we will just have to agree to disagree on the politics of the movie. **cough cough. pinko.**
So, we will just leave it at this, a very long movie, incoherent at times, but still worth seeing.
Alright, great thanks for sharing. I would have to say that I enjoyed Iron Man more, even though I don't think there was any action at all in it. Maybe superhero origin movies are inherently engrossing.
The Incredible Hulk sucked. All the new Hulk movie has done is reinforce in my mind how good Hulk was. This movie got a lot of negative word of mouth. At least, Ang Lee didn't turn Banner into a gay cowboy. Maybe that was why they didn't let him make a sequel, you can see that pitch. "This time, Hulk can't quit Betsy Ross's toned, tanned brother."
Ang Lee fills this movie with a palpable atmosphere. Eric Bana and Nick Nolte's character both smoulder with internal rage. When Bana's Banner gets mad, you feel it.
Jennifer Connolly is amazing (hot, but also I can believe that she has the calming effect on the green guy that I discuss below). Sam Elliot is just cool. The new movie can't compete on acting. Sorry, Mr. Durden.
There is something else that occurred to me. Think about it, you are the Hulk, you are fucking mad, the US military has tried to kill you for about 3 hours straight in a battle that spanned the southwest portion of this country. ok? Who in your world would calm you down on sight? Mom? Your ex-girlfriend? Your wife? Betsy Ross did that to Hulk. That is a deep affection he had for her.
Anyway, the Onion pointed out that this was a superhero for the New Yorker crowd. It is lush and deep. Hulk doesn't smash enough, but when he does, you get an idea of the strength that everyman wishes he had when enraged. And there are no small battles in this movie. Hulk smash good.
Haven't seen Hellboy 2.
But you know what I thought was a really good movie? Zohan. That Adam Sandler takes absurd story telling to whole new levels. I was in the right frame of mind when I saw it, I dug it.
"Why won't this fucking country just go into a Barrack Damned recession so I can feed my insane hatred of this president."
Another quarter of economic growth. 1.8%, not too bad. It's still positive growth. And a recession is still defined as two quarters of negative growth, i.e., contraction. The Pelosi minimum wage hike has caused the expected drop in available job for recent entries into the job market, causing the unemployment rate to jump in May from 5.0% to 5.5%. Oh well, it's funny how when conservatives who based their opinions on actual economic ideas can be correct about predicting the effects of bad democrat ideas. Luskin links it here. I guess this means that the 52 consecutive months of job growth also has ended. Ended, you should be reminded, on Pelosi's watch, under her laws. Just as gas prices have doubled since she has started her job.
Oh yeah, what has slowed growth? That would be energy prices. I don't think the real estate correction has so much. Although, some banks may argue otherwise. But really, the loss of capital through shrinking home equity isn't as bad as the loss of capital after the Clinton-tech-bubble burst. Your house is still worth something, as opposed to nothing, like your shares of
So, what are we doing to save energy costs? Right, the genius Lord Odumbo has advised us to inflate our tires. Drilling? Nope none of that. Seriously though, I think that most gas is consumed, not at top speed on the highway but in traffic jams on daily commutes in stop and go traffic. If there was a way to eliminate to end congestion, then yeah, that would help. Or maybe get everyone who commutes into a hybrid (they are really efficient at stop and go).
So, anyway, if these nutbag leftists want to disturb peaceful gatherings with their Bush=McCain mantra, it's about time the RNC has put forward the Pelosi=Obama card too. Pelosi is the first female Speaker of the House and also the worst. So congrats, Nancy. Plus, she is so stupid that when she talks she has the obvious affectation that she is trying to remember whatever it is that someone told her to say.

So, sorry, the economy continues to grow. Damn you, Bush!
Phase II kicked my ass, I am lazy, I took a week off. What can you do?
6-day workout weeks.
yeah yeah yeah.
Anyway, back to the gym for some heavier weights, benched 225 last night about 8 times, so the pushup intensive program hasn't affected my overall strength. I could still do 15 plyometric (i.e., clapping) pushups after too.
Here is a little review too. One problem with weight loss, even if you work out all the time is the food you eat. I finally found and consumed some Shirataki-Tofu noodles (House brand). The spaghetti style is the way to go, the fettuccine feel too rubbery in the mouth. The spaghetti style has good mouth feel and at basically 20 calories for a full serving of four ounces, a great calorie savings.
Anyway, yes, I am starting phase III of P90X, maybe as I approach my birthday, I will stick to the diet ***drinking*** more so I can have a nice birthday present. But, generally, I would say that before my week off, the body was looking good. More tapered. Not abs of steel, but I have dropped to an almost respectable waist size.
Can you believe the things this guy says?
Democrat Barack Obama, the first black candidate with a shot at winning the White House, says John McCain and his Republican allies will try to scare them by saying Obama "doesn't look like all those other presidents on the dollar bills."
duh, only one president is on the dollar bill! What, give him the benefit of the doubt that he was talking about presidents on each denomination of currency? Never, as we learned from Slate's Bushisms, no mercy will be given. In fact, if we've learned anything from the left, it's that accurate quotation is just a social construct erected by dead white male paternonormative types.
So, let's change it up, can you believe Obama said "I don't believe that I look like president Ben Franklin on the 3 dollar bill!" God damn, what moron. Franklin wasn't even a president and there is no such thing as a 3 dollar bill.
Whew, it's fun being a pain in the ass. If Obie does manage to become president, I can't wait for my Impeach Obama bumper sticker to arrive. or for my 1-29-2012, end of an error sticker.
Anyway seriously, Odumbo gave some speech in front of Eurotrash. And boy, am I embarrassed to report that he did not even give it in French. What a typical moronic American, he can't even be bothered to learn to speak the language of every country to which he travels.
Anyway, in his incredibly boring speech on the Berlin Airlift, he gets everything wrong. First, I listened to snippets of his speech. He managed to turn the story of the airlift into a boring series of declarative sentences and evidently, the airlift was about us all coming together as one.
Ooooommmmmmmmmmmm. Boy my chakras feel great with all this hope, change, and unity!
Ok, first, his speechifying. Boring, vapid, pointless. Not exactly how I expected Athiest-Jesus to sound. I mean really, the word on the street is that the guy can't talk without a teleprompter, but this crap speech wasn't much better.
Next, the content. Oh boy!
Right. Since Obie has no clue what he is talking about, others have pointed out that Truman had to hold the line against red-senators who wanted to surrender Berlin and cowardly generals who didn't want to scratch the paint on the USAF's precious planes.
That is, instead of being a feel-good community outreach event, the real Berlin Airlift was predicated on the guts of one president who would not back down, who would not give up. Someone who stood up to the bad guys and told left-wing shit-bag politicians that no, we aren't going to give in to the reds.
So, first, leftists of course, always choose the course of action that will harm America, and the Berlin Airlift was no exception. Sen. McGovern and Sen. Wallace are credited with opposing the damn thing. of course. And, gee, didn't Obie oppose the surge on general anti-american principles? yes. The sad truth about this speech is that Obie would have been one of the knee-jerk leftwing politicians that opposed the Berlin Airlift, his great example of unity and all that. You can see the rationale out there, the moral equivalency between America and totalitarian states, the desire for peace through submission, a desire not to provoke, and plus, Truman, was sort of la-di-dah, yo know? Not quite Harvard material, if you catch my drift.
So, what is the point? Obie should stop using historical lessons to pat himself on the back when it is clear that he would have been one of the brainless people blocking the heroic actions of the President who made it happen, whether it's the lib, soviet sympathizers like Wallace and McGovern who opposed the blockade or whether it's modern lib, enemy-sympathizers like Clinton, Obama, Reid, Kennedy, Mikulski, etc. who opposed the surge that Bush held the line on. Of course, these modern left-wing traitors did so more to fuck with Bush than to support AQ, but the end result would have been the same. And really, they basically fucked with national security for political points.
Also, his praise of the Berliner's seems more like an endorsement of the cargo cultists of certain backwards peoples. check it:
"But in the darkest hours, the people of Berlin kept the flame of hope burning. The people of Berlin refused to give up. And on one fall day, hundreds of thousands of Berliners came here, to the Tiergarten, and heard the city's mayor implore the world not to give up on freedom. "There is only one possibility," he said. "For us to stand together united until this battle is won...The people of Berlin have spoken. We have done our duty, and we will keep on doing our duty. People of the world: now do your duty...People of the world, look at Berlin!"
What really? No, the true heroes were the pilots who kept going, the mechanics who kept the planes flyable, and the president that made it happen. You know, the Americans. Hate to say it, but typical liberal pablum, yes let's praise the Germans for sitting around waiting for food to drop from the sky from Americans. That's liberalism in a nut-shell.
Monday, July 21, 2008
The consensus has been relieved of a few of its numbers. About 50,000 or so actual scientists. Now, in an earlier blog we discussed the difference between "scientists," and "activists." Scientists actually study the phenomena whereas activists simply attribute every bad meteorological occurance to man made global climate change (MMGCC). Thus, with regard to hurricanes, scientists who studied hurricanes said recent events were naturally occurring, cyclic events. Climate Change Activists, including AsshoLe Gore, simply ascribed them to MMGCC. Easiest job in the world.
One point I have been making is that these jokers have been making dire warnings for years. Boldly proclaiming that we need to act now. Hasn't anyone actually bothered, over nearly 2 decades to document or check their claims? Have their models accurately predicted stuff? You know, basic scientific questions.
So, one such person has. Meet David Evans. In his own words:
"I DEVOTED six years to carbon accounting, building models for the Australian Greenhouse Office. I am the rocket scientist who wrote the carbon accounting model (FullCAM) that measures Australia's compliance with the Kyoto Protocol, in the land use change and forestry sector."
So, what did Mr. Evans figure out from the six years of his life he wasted? four point summary:
1. The greenhouse signature is missing. We have been looking and measuring for years, and cannot find it.
2. There is no evidence to support the idea that carbon emissions cause significant global warming. None. There is plenty of evidence that global warming has occurred, and theory suggests that carbon emissions should raise temperatures (though by how much is hotly disputed) but there are no observations by anyone that implicate carbon emissions as a significant cause of the recent global warming.
3. The satellites that measure the world's temperature all say that the warming trend ended in 2001, and that the temperature has dropped about 0.6C in the past year (to the temperature of 1980). Land-based temperature readings are corrupted by the "urban heat island" effect: urban areas encroaching on thermometer stations warm the micro-climate around the thermometer, due to vegetation changes, concrete, cars, houses. Satellite data is the only temperature data we can trust, but it only goes back to 1979. NASA reports only land-based data, and reports a modest warming trend and recent cooling. The other three global temperature records use a mix of satellite and land measurements, or satellite only, and they all show no warming since 2001 and a recent cooling.
4. The new ice cores show that in the past six global warmings over the past half a million years, the temperature rises occurred on average 800 years before the accompanying rise in atmospheric carbon. Which says something important about which was cause and which was effect.
Hmm, sounds like people are finally waking up.Oh, I have also posted several times about how the NASA team has basically lied about their numbers. That, with respect to point number 3 above, terrestrial temperature stations have had their readings adjusted. Why, you ask, would NASA change its temperature data to make recent years warmer and past years cooler? You know, it's for the kids.
The consensus can no longer expect the American Physical Society to play ball either.
So, with the reports on NASA lying about temperature data, here is another lie that almost came to be repeated blindly by Sheryl Crow and other has beens. When atmospheric balloon based stations failed to detect a rise in temperature as expected in the clouds (where, apparently, MMGCC lives), some activists (not scientists) proposed this novel fix:
"Recently the alarmists have suggested we ignore the radiosonde thermometers, but instead take the radiosonde wind measurements, apply a theory about wind shear, and run the results through their computers to estimate the temperatures. They then say that the results show that we cannot rule out the presence of a hot spot. If you believe that you’d believe anything."
Activists don't need no stinking data!
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Yes, the chest, tricep, and shoulder work out is a bear. The phase one chest routine centered on quantity. Do push ups and pull ups until you puke. The phase two dvd's are more intricate devices.
I actually did several one armed push ups. I just feel all cool writing that. What can you say to that, huh?
Biceps and back is also insane. It mimics my earlier routine in that I used to do a bunch of pull ups and then switch to biceps and triceps. Tony Horton has other ideas, however. Here the pull ups keep coming, ostensibly working out your back as you do double arm routines. As I sit here, lazily typing away, I can feel my triceps and biceps aching.
All that being said (er, written), the thing about this program is the diet. I haven't followed it, I am therefore stronger and slightly leaner.
So, beginners and novices out there. Don't sweat the intimidating workouts. When you come to bring it, do not bring the booze. Having a 6 day workout routine will be a shock to even an athlete's system, so the extra burn alone will work. The diet, however, will do things, I imagine, that will make you lean and hot. And the diet is not ascetic. So, don't fear it. You will still ingest at least 2000 calories a day. They will be smart calories. and possible tasty too.
Monday, July 14, 2008
Fuck that John McCain. As a nose plug voter, I know I have to accept that I only agree with maybe 15% of his platform whereas Obama himself has no clue as to what he actually believes. I assume that Obama is a megalomaniacal socialist, and we all know how well those guys work.
But you know what. I am sick of getting insulted by him. If he hates conservatives so much, then fine. I'll vote for Obama. I may even campaign for Obama. How about that swing in synergy? It's the worst thing I can do.
Look, I don't want to adopt Mexico. I think that 300 million Americans is quite enough. Instead of taking in every person in the world who lives in an economic and political basketcase (i.e., everyone), let's work to promote Truth, Justice and the American Way, the shit that makes us an awesome country. So, I disagree with Mav on his insane ideas on immigration. That doesn't make me a bad person.
But, so what? no matter what I do, I think that Obama is going down in flames. Sorry, folks. Even if Obama does win, I can at least say don't blame me, no one would think that I would vote for Obama anyway.
So yeah, what is the worst that would happen with an Obama presidency? An inglorious retreat from Iraq? The return of Al Qaeda in Mesopotamia? The slaughter of thousands of Iraqis? A war with Iran resulting in the slaughter of Israelis and Iranians and Iraqis (Obie is sure to screw this one up)? Chief Justice Hillary Clinton? 40% income tax rate? 30% capital gains tax? Obama's new KGB (I mean, holy shit, what?)? The return of California and Arizona and New Mexico to Mexico? It's not like public school kids aren't already being indoctrinated into becoming insanely lazy, deviant, anti-American, whiners.
Whatever. the guy is the return of Jimmy Carter. So be it. What makes me think that McCain isn't going to at least 2/3 of the dumb shit that Obama is going to do?
Blind party loyalty? I'm no sucker, and I ain't your bitch, Mav.
I don't know though. I would feel bad if I were responsible for a repeat of democrat treachery like that which occurred in Vietnam. Chief Justice Hillary Clinton sounds awful for the people who would choose to remain in this country. I am sure that somewhere, deep inside my patriotism will force me to do what is right for this country, even as Mav spits in my eye. But really, isn't dissent the highest form of patriotism? Dissent being more essential than actually loving or supporting your country? I mean, sure gramps stormed the beaches at Normandy, but did he ever interupt a citizenship swearing in ceremony or congressional testimony or cement over railroad tracks over which military goods are conveyed? What a hater!
God, the only thing I hate more than McCain right now remains the left (99% give the other 1% a bad name). How long will that last?
Sunday, July 13, 2008
So, as you throw your supporters under the bus for saying things that, like a maverick, support the notion that maybe the current mainstream media hysteria is unfounded, think about what that tells your ostensible supporters.
So, how does it feel to have any hiccup on the part of your campaign become front page navel gazing as the media barely reports Odumbo's risible past, present, friends, and wife?
So yeah, the first rule of liberal fight club is "you don't quote conservatives accurately."
So, Phil Gram, said "“We have sort of become a nation of whiners,” he said. “You just hear this constant whining, complaining about a loss of competitiveness, America in decline” despite a major export boom that is the primary reason that growth continues in the economy."
This gets turned into you are a whiner. Yes, you. bitching about your house or your gas bill or whatever. That is different to me. But oh well. He said one thing, but his words are treated like another.
And, of course, McCain doesn't bother to defend the guy, essentially agreeing with the MSM hit on his advisor.
So, I don't know what Johnny Mac's actual strategery is here, but have fun buddy. Maybe Michael Moore will make a movie helping you get elected because no one on my side is enthused about helping you out. Back stabber.
The thing about the man made global climate change crowd is that they sound like house wives from the middle ages. Superstitious bags.
So get this, we had Algae recently blaming some awful natural disaster on his pet project. Now, Black Hawk Down.
So, another elected official has tried to out Gore Gore:
"In Somalia back in 1993, climate change, according to 11 three- and four-star generals, resulted in a drought which led to famine," said Markey.
"That famine translated to international aid we sent in to Somalia, which then led to the U.S. having to send in forces to separate all the groups that were fighting over the aid, which led to Black Hawk Down."
This particular example of idiocy combines several strains of lefty idiocy. First, yes, any weather event aside from a nice summer day (possibly, I don't really know, it could cause melanoma) is, of course, the result of MMGCC. Second, it ignores the virulent violence that has followed radical Islam across the globe. It is not a religion, but rather, ta da, a consequence of an economic inequality. Third, it just sounds really really stupid and assholish.
Look, droughts have occurred throughout history. But most famines occur because of totalitarian regimes. Somehow, Ireland was exporting food during the potato famine. And somehow -it's not a bug, it's a feature - socialist regimes specialize in famine. Can you say the Ukraine in the 20's (how's that feel Duranty?), China in the 50's, Ethiopia in the 80's, North Korea right now. I bet Cambodia would have gotten a famine too if that regime wasn't so awesome at killing one third of it's population with guns. I think, if you read the book or watched the movie, Somalia was in a civil war where one side hoarded and confiscated food as a strategy. Or maybe both sides.
But whatever, theorize backwards from the idea that MMGCC causes everything. What gets me about these post-Christian dirt worshipers is that they drape themselves in science. But really, where are the temperatures actually rising? The data used is based on land based temperature stations that, charitably, cover 40% of the earth's surface. These temperature data are then "corrected," based on God knows what. NASA finally let it be known that their corrections mimic their predictions. Reading from years ago are adjusted down. Modern readings are corrected up. So, there is your warming. Too bad satellite data does not concur, instead showing stead or falling temperatures. Satellite data also shows that the seas have risen about 2mm a year for a couple of decades. So, if all that ice has already melted, where is the flooding?

And no, this isn't political, this is common sense to me. Although, when the left brings forward comparative worth for carbon emissions and has a politburo decide how much carbon dioxide you are allowed to emit, you can be that will political.
Tuesday, July 08, 2008
You know, one of the things I noticed about a lot of Democrats slash liberals is how ready they are to pat themselves on their back. You know, they are so smart, so nuanced, so good basically. In another post, I will write how, for most dems, their party loyalty is based more on vanity than anything else, that being a dem for some girls is the same as Carrie from the Golden Girls (I mean, Sex and the City) buying Prada. If you buy it, then you get to live the dream. "Look at me, I blindly vote democrat, I must be hip," "or listen to me, I am going to mindlessly repeat something John Stewart said, I must be hip and smart."
Anyway, check out this photo:
Yup, the batshit crazy leftists are out parroting the party line. McCain, the pain in Bush's ass, the embarrassment to conservatives, the would-be-adopter-of-Mexico (amnesty), the apparent believer in the great pagan god of global warming (i.e., dirt worshiper) is now equal to Bush.
Get it?
You see, the left has decided, in their cocoon like arrogance, that Bush is bad (they equate his low job performance numbers with their own insane hatred of Bush) and therefore think that tying McCain to Bush is good for them. I can see how that line of reasoning would work with your garden variety moonbat and other assorted socialists. But really? Will that line of reasoning really work on one of the legendary undecideds?
First of all, there is the arrogant conclusory nature of the whole thing. You notice this when arguing with libs. A statement just is. Let's not bother to really substantiate it. McCain is Bush. Why? Oh because of tax cuts. Or the war. So, you are running on tax cuts and the war. Or are you really running on your silly assumption that your absolute hatred of the president, the hatred to which you would feed American defeat in Iraq, is shared by normal people? Which is it?
Of course, McCain isn't probably smart enough to actually defend W. I mean, 52 straight months of economic growth. a record, ya know. not enough? Low unemployment? meh? Of course not, McCain parrots the gloom and doom crowd. Fine, whatever, Bush has low approval ratings because what else is a normal person going to think: name one positive story in years. They have no basis by which to think W is doing a good job. On the other hand, they don't hate the guy like these assholes do.
At least McCain owns the war. Apparently, he helped convince W to fire some generals and listen to Petraeus. McCain owns the surge, almost as much as W. If McCain runs from that, then what is the point of even running for president.
You see? I can't even bitch about this without starting to hate on McCain. But McCain=Bush?
Aside from arrogant conclusory blindness, there is also the pathetic need for the leftists to disturb things. Fine, assume that you are a leftist and have been told that McCain=Bush and you therefore now believe that with all of your heart. The same McCain for whom the left had cried for because he was soundly beaten by Bush in 2000. The McCain that the New York Times endorsed. The Maverick! The man who stood up to mean old republicans. Fine, flip the switch, all that old stuff goes down the memory hole, leftists are good at that.
What leftists are also good at are these brownshirt exhibitions. It's not enough for a leftist to sit around their house tittering with other lefties about how Bush=McCain. Nope, you have to actually go disturb a McCain rally. Much like Code Pink feels the need to invade and interrupt a citizenship ceremony. I use the term brownshirt because, golly gee, that is how they started out too. Actual history will show that Mussolini was essentially the Che of his day. The cool socialist. And hmm, what party did the brown shirts break shit for? Oh right, the National Socialist German Party. Just because your crazy aunt decided to go all fascist on you doesn't make it any less revolting.
So, yeah, Bush=McCain. Fuck. Where is Mitt? Where is Fred? The sad thing is is that for a nose-plug McCain voter like myself, this actually motivates me. Before, I wasn't going to do dick to help McCain. Now? I may actually send him $4. This behavior just shows that not only is the Democrat party the thuggish, union and mobbed up city machine it has always been, but that nationally, it is a braindead collection of the worst sort of anti-American degenerates. So, here in DC, I get to see AMG65's with Obama and No-Blood-For-Oil stickers and only get a taste of one third of the disgusting flavor, the rich white atheist wing, of that party. At least the union thug wing can think for themselves (or whoever made up the Reagan Democrats). That picture shows all too clearly how little thinking actually goes on in the intelligentsia ass-end of the party.
Friday, July 04, 2008
P90X update. Yeah, ever since the switch from phase I to phase II, I have lost it.
It may have been the weekend trips. Dates on week nights. Laziness. That the new dvds drain me of my will to live.
Whatever, I need to get back on that train and repeat week 5.
On the plus side, I have gotten compliments on the physique. Since I am not "stronger," I assume it's because I am slightly slimmer. That is, I already have big chest and big arms...for me it's a matter of slimming down the face and the midsection. That seems to be a success because P90X has introduced me to a better lifestyle of eating. So, I may splurge, but my daily eating is pretty tame.
Again, I am amazed at how much these workouts kick your ass. Just when I thought the chest dvd was getting too easy, the new chest dvd completely redoes the workouts so that you again feel weak. Still recommend this system.
While some people have attempted to redefine patriotism as some malleable term that generally coincides with their political agenda, I would like to say that I am a real patriot.
I want my country to have victory, even if I don't like the current president.
When confronted with the allegation that other countries don't like mine, my first reaction is that they can go piss on a tree.
When confronted with the allegation that other countries don't like mine, my second reaction is to point out that polling people with an ideological and religious opposition to our free-market, non-atheist, non-caliphatism society may tend to piss off commies, post-Christians, and Al Qaeda supporters.
When confronted with the allegation that other countries don't like mine, my third reaction is to confront the allegation by counter demonstrating that, if they hate us, why is everyone trying to get here?
I love baseball, mom, and apple pie (even though, I prefer blueberry and/or key lime).
I get excited for the national anthem at sporting events.
I don't equate our pride in our country with ignorant jingoism because I know that most Americans have a benign acceptance of almost every other culture. We may not take the time to learn your particular po-dunk language, but we assume you are nice people. Other countries may not suck, and some may even have notable positives, but I still would rather visit overseas and live here. not the other way around.
I feel that when America gets involved overseas, we are doing so because we think we are doing the right thing. And dammit, stopping terrorism and communism and other totalitarian thugs is a good thing.
I hate conspiracy theories. America isn't run by a bunch of shady corporations, families, or aliens.
Wealth is created in this country. The pie gets bigger, my slice does not infringe on the size of your slice.
I love the great outdoors, I can build a campfire and steer a canoe. I try not to litter and to respect mother nature. I still know, based on my understanding of actual science, that the man-made-global warming is a hoax. Green is the new red, dontcha know?
Finally, in lieu of fireworks, how about so good old commie jokes:
The Soviet Ministry of Education is concerned that students are failing to acquire the skills they will need in the 21st century. So it's decided to upgrade the language curriculum to ensure fluency in the languages of tomorrow: English and Hebrew for those planning to leave - Chinese for those planning to stay.
The express train is running from Warsaw to Legnica (site of a big Soviet Airforce Base in the communist years) when it suddenly jumps the tracks and runs off into the woods. After a while going through the woods, it returns to the tracks and somehow gets back on. The conductor goes up to the engineer and says, "What are you, nuts? Running off into the woods like that." The engineer replies, "There was a Russian general standing on the tracks." The conductor berates him, "Then why didn't you just run the #%$$^%$ over?" to which the engineer replies, "That's just it, he ran into the woods."
Edward Gierek, first secretary of the Party from 1970 to 1980, goes down to Silesia to visit the miners and see how they live. He goes up to one block of flats, and goes to the door of one on the ground floor.It's open, so he enters and finds that it's furnished very luxuriously: color TV, refrigerator, plush sofas, and a little boy is sitting on the couch. Gierek says to him, "Son, do you know who I am?" The little boy shakes his head no, looking scared. Gierek spreads his arms and says, "Son, thanks to me, you have all this!" The little boy's face brightens and calls out to his parents in the next room, "Mommy, daddy, Uncle Hans from West Germany is here!"
Stalin was having a meeting in his office with the Central Committee one afternoon. After they all left, he realized that his pipe was missing. He called Beria and told him to question every member of the Committee about his pipe. The next day, Stalin found his pipe and called Beria to tell him to stop the questioning. Upon hearing this, Beria answered, "I am sorry Comrade Stalin but half of the Committee already admitted to taking the pipe, and the other half died during questioning."
Thursday, July 03, 2008

Wow, so much stuff to talk about. First, let's all reflect on the following letters: WWPD That's right, Obie's apparent foreign policy advisor has stated that an Obama foreign policy would be based on the taos of Pooh: That is:
Richard Danzig, who served as Navy Secretary under President Clinton and is tipped to become National Security Adviser in an Obama White House, told a major foreign policy conference in Washington that the future of US strategy in the war on terrorism should follow a lesson from the pages of Winnie the Pooh, which can be shortened to: if it is causing you too much pain, try something else.
Mr Danzig told the Centre for New American Security: “Winnie the Pooh seems to me to be a fundamental text on national security.”

No, of course not.
Next question, how fast is Obama willing to lose the war? Noone knows. Apparently, Iraq is super special. Unlike Kosovo, Germany, Japan, Korea, and I dunno, Cuba, we can't ever never have a base or troops over there. Oh sure, he promises to leave and to come back any time the bad guys come back (i.e., when we leave), but not to actually maintain a presence there over a skeleton crew necessary to protect an ambassador or something.
Interestingly enough, Obama, his website, his supporters all have different ideas of what his policy on losing the war would actually be were God to forsake us and allow his presidency. If you follow the link, you will find analysis of several Obama flacks each showing the truth to the idea that Obama is a blank slate upon whom other people place their political ideas.
So who knows. I know I am not going to vote for Obie. I was promised a post-racial, pragmatist with god-like levels of empathy and strategery. So far, all I see is a guy who hates America. hates crackers. Someone who has no idea what to do with the country, someone whose idea of debating McCain is to call him old. And, oh God, yeah, a perfect Ivory-tower cluelessness about the world and capitalism. But he can sure read other people's speeches well.