Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Ok, whew. Got that out of the way. Let’s talk about the important stuff now, not about the evil ways of woman.

So, week one of P90X is DOWN.

Here is a mini-review.

First off, the program is two parts. Diet and Exercise. Well, I can do exercise. Diet is a little harder. The diet portion is pared to 3 phases. Phase one seems to be a south beach diet, protein loading, carb-adverse program. Yeah, that is going to be hard to get down with. I loves me some carbohydrates.

The exercises are fun. But let’s start off with the caveat that I am in shape. I can bench press a house, I can run and do cardio for hours. Hell, my pull up routine involves doing about 60 pull ups in a variety of grips in less than 20 minutes.


You will feel like a weak feeble fool on the strength portions.

Second, I am not a sucker so I am not buying their “signature” protein shakes and whatnot. For a recovery drink, I use the target brand creatine post workout shake. Not enough creatine to make my face puffy, just enough to let my muscles know I care.

I will try to be more faithful to the diet portions too.

Ok, so first up. Chest and Back. My strongest suit, right?

Uh, no. This hurt. I was ready to puke at the end. And I could barely string together more than 10 pull ups at a time. Doing push ups and pull ups in succession does hurt your ego. Recovery, on the other hand was easy. No rubber chest. Maybe my triceps hurt, but that was all. I know that I worked hard though.

Next up was plyometrics. I loved this. Pure cardio but more along the lines of jumping here and there. I did it and felt fine. But much like my POSEX story, the pain came later. I have to hand it to them because the program didn’t touch legs again until the pain had subsided. Nonetheless, I was walking around like a cowboy for days. My legs hurt and were rubbery in a way that I did not expect.

After that, day 3 included arms and back, what I thought was my next strongest suit. That rocked too. Maybe too easy, I had to go buy more weights to be prepared for the next session because I had a choice between the too heavy 40 pound weights and the bands. Good times. I loved it.

Next was yoga. Loved that too. But, I realized that a yoga mat is not an exercise mat. I gave up because the damned exercise mat slipped all over place. I had to give up, but along with some 20lb weights, I bought a yoga kit with proper blocks and mat. So, next week, look out Yoga-X!

Legs and back day: hurt. Deal with it. Leg muscles are your largest group and there a many, many ways to wear them out. But my rubber legs were gone by then, so it’s just a mater of time to learn the moves and do the routine.

The last of the 6 day routine was Kenpo-X. I decided to modify my routine and did a heavy chest routine before hand. I maxed out and then an hour later did Kenpo. I am glad I did that because the Kenpo is fun, but not any more challenging than the 2 hours I spend on the cardio equipment at the gym.

Next week, I will double up with arms and chest weight lifting on the Plyometrics and Kenpo days.

As for Ab-Ripper X. God Damn! You can’t do it. I can’t do it. But maybe in a year, I may be able to do it.

Finally, a lot of the leg routines involve fairly complex motions. Much like the Ab-Ripper portion, you can’t do it. Just approximating the positions is still work though. I guess I will be able to do these better later. They still hurt and sucked my soul out.

Verdict: I recommend this program.

This program is worth the price of admission. The host is motivating, and the exercises, for the most part, won’t get old. I am skeptical about Kenpo. At least the plyometric dvd is so frentic and hard pounding that it will keep me going for months. The diet book is well thought out. If you have the motivation to do that as well.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Well, well, well, seven years too late, but the Bush 43 White House Staff is doing their jobs.

Apparently, in a shift of administration policy away from ignoring media bias, the Administration is actually asking news organizations to actually report the news.

Humorously enough, most other news organizations were more than happy to broadcast these embarassments. But it seems from the NBC news' website that they have only meekly included the unedited video and not the letter from the White House.

First, the White House notes a deceptively edited interview.

"NBC's selective editing of the President's response is clearly intended to give viewers the impression that he agreed with Engel's characterization of his remarks when he explicitly challenged it. Furthermore, omitted the references to al Qaeda, Hezbollah and Hamas and ignored the clarifying point in the President's follow-up response that U.S. policy is to require Iran to suspend its nuclear enrichment program before coming to the table, not that "negotiating with Iran is pointless" and amounts to "appeasement.""

I mean, we all expect NBC news to use edited interviews to convey the impression that the editor's desire. And I am sure that their deceptive editing had nothing to do with the point blank adoration that all members of the media has towards Obama.

The White House also had a shot at the "dammit, why aren't we losing the war faster?" sensibilities of the media.

"I noticed that around September of 2007, your network quietly stopped referring to conditions in Iraq as a "civil war." Is it still NBC News's carefully deliberated opinion that Iraq is in the midst of a civil war? If not, will the network publicly declare that the civil war has ended, or that it was wrong to declare it in the first place?"

Finally, something else I have touched on. Question: When is .6% quarterly growth not a recession? Answer: Only if Clinton is president.

"Lastly, when the Commerce Department on April 30 released the GDP numbers for the first quarter of 2007, Brian Williams reported it this way: "If you go by the government number, the figure that came out today stops just short of the official declaration of a recession."The GDP estimate was a positive 0.6% for the first quarter. Slow growth, but growth nonetheless.

Well, finally the White House doing something that they should have been doing since 2002.

I guess someone finally read this book. Bush's War, a study of the media bias in reporting his war efforts. Basically, reporters would report the exact opposite of what Bush had said.


surprise surprise, it looks like i was right, NBC news is not going to respond:

“Our reporting accurately reflects the interview. Just as the White House does not participate in the editorial process at the Washington Post, the Wall Street Journal or USA Today, NBC News, as part of a free press in a free society, makes its own editorial decisions,” the network said in a statement.

Gillespie said NBC News’ response “misses the point.”

It’s simply absurd for people to have to log on to the Internet and stream video to get accurate information from NBC News,” he said.

Asked by FOXNews.com whether NBC News planned to respond to Gillespie’s question about the Iraq war, a spokeswoman referred to the above statement and said via e-mail, “that is our complete response.”

Recently, a decent and otherwise intelligent person made a comment to me about polar bears. Yes, polar bears are apparently dying by the truckload, drowning as the ice around them melts and stuff. So, of course, the government has classified them as endangered. It all makes sense, right?

Well, since I hate scumbag dirtworshipers, I thought I would do a little research.

So, I found this article that summarizes the deal:

Note that these regulations were put into place not because of present bear conditions or populations, but "government scientists believe that the gradual decline of arctic sea ice due to climatic warming will threaten polar-bear survival." That is, now follow this in your best confused teenage girl voice, "that uh, if global warming is real and, er, if global warming does cause a reduction in polar bear habitat, then, well, we think that there could be less polar bears, and, you know, less polar bears could make them endangered. right?"

more quotes:

the purpose is to create a "layer of greenhouse gas regulation on private projects that require federal permits. This would “force anyone in America whose business requires the emission of greenhouse gases to go through an additional layer of consultation with the Fish and Wildlife Service, creating delays and expenses,” the Alaska Oil and Gas Association’s Marilyn Crockett told the Associated Press."

Got that? The dept. of Fish and Wildlife could become the most important governmental department in America, regulating all carbon emitting activity? Talk about a back-door end run around that whole constitution thingy. I know, I am using a little hyperbole, but what else is the point of suing the government to make an animal considered endangered, where there is no current direct man-made (i.e., hunting) threat to their numbers. Is it merely a piece of feel goodism? Or do they want the government to do something about this whole Man Made Global Warming Phenomenon? On one hand, it's just silly hippy self-love, on the other hand, it is an attempt to control American's behavior, yes? Oh wait, the CBD has said as much, "CBD hopes to use the listing to limit energy development in Alaska and force restrictions on greenhouse-gas emissions from federally permitted facilities." But why stop there? I theorize more on this at the end of this screed.

I am trying to find the actual legal definition of endangered, but generally the definition appears to be a "species that is in danger of extinction throughout all or a significant portion of its range." So, endangered species are species that are about to go extinct.

Are polar bears about to go extinct? Short answer: "no, you fucking idiot!"

Instead of going extinct, there are compound speculations concerning the impact of certain man-made activities that could theoretically (in my mind, if you are high) lead to, at worst, a reduction in the current population of polar bears, but would not lead to an extinction because the bears also live on terra firma in North America? You know where I am going with this...

In my research, I came across a condescending response to my line of reasoning. Dude gets huffy by pointing out that the record is incomplete because noone tracked polar bears before the 50's and that the numbers of polar bears are bound to go up because of a reduction in harvesting of these bears.

Well, swell, but I think the writer at that website mistakes a "sword and shield
argument ," with a "double-edged sword argument." That is, he is attempting to hide behind the lack of data before the 50's as proof of, well, I guess he doesn't go that far to actually make a point. In reality, his logical sword swings right back at him because at the same time, he is also admitting that he has no idea what a natural state of affairs is for polar bears. And, of course, he misses the point that what these "polar bears are endangered types" are arguing isn't merely that there may be less polar bears in the future because of man (similar to how there are less trout after trout season, less bears in Maryland, or less deer living in DC) (but they aren't endangered, there are just less of them) but him and his kind are arguing that they are endangered, that they are on the precipice of going extinct. So, even at the height of man-made harvestation, he admits that there were about 5000 polar bears in Canada. That may not sound like a lot for a continent, but these are what scientists call, I think, mega fauna, animals that weigh over 400 pounds. They take up more room and stuff, there are less of them around for a reason. In addition, their population was sufficient to recover to 20,000-25,000 in 50 years.

In addition, newsbusters has a nice roundup, including why that stupid picture is misleading propaganda and more anecdotal evidence about the polar bear population.

Of course, it is pointed out in the National Review article that "polar bears appear to have survived earlier periods when ice levels declined," which is odd because I thought that earth never had a change in climate before man started emitting a lot of CO2. Pardon my snarkiness, but if there have been earlier periods when ice levels have declined, and the bears survived, then what are we talking about again?

What are we talking about is the control of the economy to regulate CO2. That is, someone making a decision that could affect your job and your standard of living. So, for what are you willing to lose your job and your car? Oh yeah, even your apartment. Would you do it to ensure that the polar bear population remains above 20000? 10000? 5000? Or, what about choice? What if you were allowed to only have 100 hours of a heated house a year, or to drive 1000 miles a year. Do those polar bears actually matter to you that much? Before you lose your wealth or ability to choose how to live your life, wouldn't you want there to be some sort of actual, tangible proof that the situation is so dire that such acts were necessary? Or would you feel good enough knowing that generally, there are some polar bears in an unspecified number out there and that they are living relatively unmolested normal lives while you enjoy the comforts of western civilization?

I have a theory that socialists (including watermelons - green on the outside, red on in the inside) have a huge inclination towards pushing what is known in the American left as "comparative worth,"
(Edited in deference to the linkee (which is good...), I can't find a link to an actual wikipedia style entry on CW, which is weird because CW was a major arrow in the feminist arsenal back in the 70's (second wave feminism, natch) and Kaus had a whole series on how both Obama and Hillary were major supporters of this insane crypto-dictatorship concept) where a judge or other bureaucrat (but not the free market, natch) would determine the relative value of different activities. This whole regulation of carbon dioxide thing strikes me in the same way as being the same thing.

Basically, if every human endeavor emits CO2, then every human act would have to be regulated to protect the world. And. Someone has to make a judgement call on what is a worthwhile creator of CO2 "pollutants." And really, what is the difference between the two concepts. Free-will and free-markets suddenly become regulated to the point where no act can exist unsupervised.

Of course, you can just feel that Algae would love to be able to be the one who decides whose CO2 output is more comparatively worthwhile. You can sit in your tonka toy hybrid while he and Leonardo DiCaprio go jet set to Tahiti.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

You know what I hate? Or rather who I hate?

Dirt Worshipers.

These are the people who worship a fictitious phenomenon known as Global Warming (GW), or more properly, Man-Made Global Climate Change to (MMGCC). As the head priest, Algae, that is: Al Gore, has become one of the most disgusting people on earth.

First, note the change from GW to MMGCC which is an obvious attempt to cover up or explain away actual temperature data that, oops, the earth has cooled in the last decade (and that they lied about the historical temperature record). The term MMGCC is also an attempt to broaden the dirt worshiping religion to include any climate event that is not peachy.

Read what this asshole has to say:

“And as we’re talking today, Terry, the death count in Myanmar from the cyclone that hit there yesterday has been rising from 15,000 to way on up there to much higher numbers now being speculated,” Gore said. “And last year a catastrophic storm last fall hit Bangladesh. The year before, the strongest cyclone in more than 50 years hit China – and we’re seeing consequences that scientists have long predicted might be associated with continued global warming.

Of course, Algae has wagged his finger at those who disagree with him before:

It is important to learn the lessons of what happens when scientific evidence and clear authoritative warnings are ignored in order to induce our leaders not to do it again and not to ignore the scientists again and not to leave us unprotected in the face of those threats that are facing us right now.

Back to Myanmar, just read these paragraphs, as some liberal arts major attempts to explain a community based reality (MMGCC "experts") versus actual science (those who study hurricanes):

Ever since Hurricane Katrina in 2005, hurricanes have often been seen as a symbol of global warming's wrath. Many climate change experts have tied the rise of hurricanes in recent years to global warming and hotter waters that fuel them.

Another group of experts, those who study hurricanes and who are more often skeptical about global warming, say there is no link. They attribute the recent increase to a natural multi-decade cycle.

Look, if you took Katrina to be anything other than a regularly occurring natural phenomenon that hit a city built under sea-level and run by a bunch of incompetent, corrupt, thugs, then you are a sucker. If you think polar bears are dying by the 1000's, then you are a sucker. And, if you think that there has been a "rise of hurricanes in recent years," then you are a sucker. Just stop, take a breath, and ask: hasn't the past decade actually been quiet with respect to hurricanes. Yes? Well, then what exactly is our in-over-her-head reporter actually saying by writing: "climate change experts have tied the rise of hurricanes in recent years to global warming and hotter waters that fuel them?" It seems to me that the MMGCC experts, such as they are, are a bunch of scare mongering charlatans.

Yes, so after 2,000 years of the Judea Christian norm, a bunch of atheist yuppies have taken the great step backwards to superstitious worshiping of the weather.

I will and can explain every contention I make in these dirt worshiper bashing posts, but right now, I am steamed at how Algae is milking the crisis in Myanmar to advance his religion. It is downright disgusting.

First, in 2005, like he stated that obviously, a category 5 hurricane like Katrina is a result of MMGCC. And, like the stone-age Shaman he wishes to be, he predicted that GW will continue to punish mankind for our misdeeds with more and more hurricanes. In a movie, well, maybe in a poorly written Gallicano movie, such a charlatan would be shamed by 2006 and 2007 being very light years, as far as hurricanes go. I mean, visualize a witch doctor standing out in a desert for 2 years or more predicting rain, and then taking credit for rainfall when it does occur.


What does Algae do? He jumps on the first big wind related tragedy in 3 years as an example of further angering of the
GW gods. The typhoon was a moderately strong one. The disaster of Myanmar is result of a crushing state dictatorship (the type of which Algae would love to implement across the world to appease the GW gods) that refuses outside help. And let's not forget, Myanmar's disaster preparedness is probably worse that Mayor "School Bus" Nagan of New Orleans. Note the correlation between thuggish, nanny-states and disasters?

For those of us with science backgrounds; for those of us who can read; and for those of us who can think for ourselves, we know that this whole MMGCC hoax is intellectually empty. Some noted back in 2005, that "uh, no...if the world was warmer, there would be less hurricanes." (This link is the most recent "well, duh," realization on hand) (and secondly, there are a few of you reading this with enough of an IQ to then make the point that, "well, askjoe, you say there is a lull in hurricanes and GW would lead to less hurricanes, lol I pwned you," I would respond by pointing out that saying "pwned" will get you a wedgie on this sight, secondly - that this post is about Algae being a dick - as well as his being a clueless asswad, and thirdly - semi-smart, scroll back up to where the hurricane experts talk about natural cycles and recompute your snark. But good for you for trying).

And for those of you whose intellectual honesty allows for a dissenting view from the GW religionists, I will let that sink in until you read about the fact that some scientists are predicting that the next 10 years will be cooler than average as well (or than the time frame from 1997-2007 also exhibited a
world-wide cooling trend). Yeah, so how do you feel about that $1000 carbon credit you just bought? Still ready to lose your job to stop MMGCC?

Ok, so the point of this post is that I hate Algae more than POSA. He is cashing in on tragedy. He has no intellectual honesty or moral compass. His only goal is self-aggrandizing and selling his stupid carbon credits. So, go ahead, yuppies, waste your money and soul on this retro-grade religious snake oil salesman.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Oh Jesus, this is too funny.

Stackley Cup Playoffs Underway

At press time, the four hackley teams in contention for the Stickleby Cup were the Detroit Red Wings, the Pittsburgh Penguins, the Pittsburgh Flyers, and a team from Dallas, TX. The Red Wings, one of the NHL's Original Four Teams, and the Penguins, who feature one of hinky's rising young stars in Sidney Crossberry, are leading their respective series and are expected to advance to the championship round, or Storkaley Cup Finallys.

Hucklebee, which is played on ice by stick-wielding six-man teams who attempt to strike the hokey puck or "ball" into the opposing goal, is naturally a cold-weather sport.

The sport was also dealt a rather ugly setback with many viewers during last year's Stanbly Cup playoffs when two players dropped their ice bats and gloves and became involved in a shamefully brutal fistfight.

Thank you, Onion. Aside from a left-wing didacticism inherent in 98% of your jokes, this one is damn good.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Wow, wedding season is rough. No lifting, no running. no nothing. Just you me and a .4 BAC. That is my friends for ya. Well, I still look good in a suit, eh?

Interesting Tom Wolfe interview, I like this part about the Scots Irish and the eggheads:

Intellectuals do this every day. "We're up here at the top of a mountain and look at all those smarmy politicians, presidents, kings, how vulgar they are."

But also good old boys from the south will do the same thing. My brother-in-law happened to be present in 1943 in a general store, and here were three good old boys who were too old to go into the armed forces, talking about the war.
And one of them says, "You know, this whole war -- the whole problem here is this man called Hitler. I don't know why we just don't go over there and shoot him."
And his friend says, "Well, I'm sure it's not that easy. I don't know how you can just go over there and shoot him."
And the first says, "Look, you get me over there in a boat, I'll shoot him.
"How are you going to do that?"
He says, "Well, I'll go to the front door and I'll ring the bell."
His friend says, "Are you crazy? He's not going to come to the front door. The whole place has probably got a big wall around."He said, "Okay I'll tell you what I'll do. I'll wait until its dark, I'll go around to the wall and back, I'll climb over it and I'll hide behind a tree with my rifle. And in the morning when he comes out in the yard to pee, I'm going to shoot him."
These were Scotch-Irish people. They loved guns and guns mean a lot to them.

BTW, did you catch House? I mean, what is up with this show? It is the best written show on TV, and they feel the need to try to titillate the viewers almost every episode. I like Cuddy a lot, but I felt bad for Lisa Edelstein doing a strip tease on national TV. Come on, I want my brain stroked, not low grade Skinemax.
Holy Crap!
I found it!

And, bonus, I found this insanely cute clip in the process:

Wow, so many consecutive post bashing on the Atheist-Jesus. Time to cleanse the palate. Gavin DeGraw has a new song out.

It is some more good stuff, I caught the lyrics:
So many people gonna say that they want you, To try to get you thinking they really care, But there's nothing like the warmth of the one who has put in the time and you know he's gonna be there, Back your border when she knows someone crossed it, Don't let nobody put you down, who your with Take the pain of protecting your name, from the crutch to the cane to the highwire.

That spoke to me in a weird kinda way. Of course, Gavie, as I call him, does have some great lyrics. What? I think you think your name is pass-the-joint. I wonder if Gavie is like John Mayer and uses hotter versions of his own GF's in his videos.

On another note, Disturbed has a new song out and it whales:

And, why not a nerdtastic Chevelle video? Skip to 1:30 for some good cinematics.

And finally, some gratuitous, POSA bashing, the Onion found out that some slick-backed-haired greasers are causing trouble for, you know, "the good ones." Live the dream, POSA.

You youngin's may not recognize the cracker in this video. That, fair children, is the true worst president of these United States from nearly every angle. You can blame him for Iran. You can blame him for giving away the Panama Canal. And you can blame him for 17% inflation and actual gas shortages. Yes, Ojebus is running on the bring back Carter platform. Well, it was either that or Clinton. Maybe he got confused. They both start with C. Ace's verdict, Odumbo is dumber than a bag of retards. I personally think he is an amiable dunce, someone who has a gift for reading cue cards, an empty suit.

n that note, someone else notes that, contrary to what I have been led to believe, that McCain will whoop on ZerObama in any townhall style debate. Apparently, facing off against an adverse crowd is not as threatening to him as having bamboo slivers shoved under one's fingernails.

Hmm, maybe McCain will earn another $5 from me if this is true (McCain's rebuttal of Obama's confrontational style as being slightly less dignified than someone who hits their brother then goes running to hide behind mom put him in the money, although the Huckabee rumors negated that instantly.)(Oh yeah, Happy Mother's Day, Mom!).

Remember, my campaign slogan: Can we describe Obama as an amiable dunce who is gifted with a flair for oration? yes, we can!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Oh yeah!
So how these for Obama slogans?

Who needs ideas when you can hope for change?

When I am elected you will have to beg for change!

Changing things, Hoping it works.

ZerObama. No experience, brains, or plan.
OMG, Ojesus is the dumbest guy ever...continued!

First of all, I think we need to come together to realize that he seems to be saying that there are 59 states. That he has visited 57 of them, but has not made it to Hawaii. or Alaska. So, smart guys, that is 59 states. Who is dumb now?

What? Of course, Obama is still dumb.

Speaking of the Obamessiah, it seems that Lebanon has heard his divine word:

Hezbollah's power grab in Beirut has once more plunged that city into violence and chaos. This effort to undermine Lebanon's elected government needs to stop, and all those who have influence with Hezbollah must press them to stand down immediately. It's time to engage in diplomatic efforts to help build a new Lebanese consensus that focuses on electoral reform, an end to the current corrupt patronage system, and the development of the economy that provides for a fair distribution of services, opportunities and employment. We must support the implementation of UN Security Council Resolutions that reinforce Lebanon's sovereignty, especially resolution 1701 banning the provision of arms to Hezbollah, which is violated by Iran and Syria. As we push for this national consensus, we should continue to support the democratically elected government of Prime Minister Siniora, strengthen the Lebanese army, and insist on the disarming of Hezbollah before it drags Lebanon into another unnecessary war. As we do this, it is vital that the United States continues to work with the international community and the private sector to rebuild Lebanon and get its economy back on its feet.

So whew, that solves that.

So, it is really all about the economy. Good to know. I guess, much like the backwater hicks of Pennsylvania, these folks are bitterly clinging to God and guns. Or jihad, or Shia. Whatever. It's all the same to a brain dead neo-Marxist where every problem, every act of violence, is reducible to some sort of economic injustice. That sort of reductionism -which is an evolution from actual Marxism - allows one to simply define all problems to a root cause and call it a day. Yes, let's build sewers in Lebanon and give them free health care. Why do I need to understand anything else about the problem?

I suppose it is worth pointing out that several of these goals seem to be wishes, others seem to rely entirely upon some sort of magical power to get Iran and Syria to do what Obama wishes them to do.

For a mere mortal, foreign policy based on wishes and magic would be seen as naiveté, but not with the Obamessiah.

Now, I am not a theologian, but I do know that God gave man free will. What is scary is that Obama seems to be suggesting that he will use his own divine powers to strip Iran and Syria of their free will, essentially forcing them through his divine nature (and not through the force of arms, natch (except for the Lebanese army)) to drop their plans of conquest. Otherwise, someone would have to figure out how to get Iran to stop Hezbollah when it seems that Iran is actually using Hezbollah as a tool of their own foreign policy goals.

That is a pretty big gift to mankind. Most other politicians would have to do more than hope for change in the Middle East. Hmm, maybe I need to reconsider Obama. It's like he is taking McCain's consideration of Huckabee for veep and raising him one. As I see it,
why get the messenger of God for veep when you can get your own god as president?

Sunday, May 11, 2008

OMG! lol, Obama is teh dumbest person ever. hahahahaha!*

*Just acting like people have towards W. I don't really have the burning hatred inside of me that motivates the BDS community. But you get my point.

Thursday, May 08, 2008

Upon reflection, I have to say that that Walther P22 is the perfect girlfriend gun. Like an ideal girlfriend (or at least like CBA), it goes both ways. If you know what I mean...where, yeah, as a boy, it's fine for me alone, but you can share her with another woman. I remember taking ZF shooting and it was so cute seeing a girl handle a little .22 caliber pistol.

1LGF was more sexy than cute and she could handle a gun too. She shot 9mm. Mmm, blondes and guns.

I need to take a redhead shooting, just to cover all the bases.
And now, for something a little lighter...

That's right, crab cakes and football. That's how we do it here in Maryland. And actually, to be accurate, it's more like Crab Cakes and LaCrosse. and football. But whatever. I am still looking for the sack-sandwich clip. numa numa numa numa.
One solemn promise I have to make that if, in the unlikely event that Hillary! the Inevitable or Obama the Divine get elected, I will behave about as badly as all my liberal friends and acquaintances have acted over the past 8 years. * Yup, Impeachment signs. Conspiracy theories. Flights of rage at the mention of the name. Good stuff. It will be cathartic. And really, I don't need to be mature. That's for suckers.
Now, I have nothing against Obamessiah. Well, aside from him hating crackers, I have nothing against him personally. I have to say, however, that his followers (disciples? (nah, I think the biblical disciples at least listened to Jesus and understood what he was saying)) are scary. That is whom most of my snark is directed.
Ok, first, before it turned out that Obama hated crackers (Wright) and America (Ayers) (and some would say that this is a benefit for his popularity with rich, white mercedes drivers (or as I think of them, people with waaaayyyy too many bumperstickers)), I liked Obama for the following reasons:

1. He is not a Clinton.
2. He seemed to be cool with that whole race business. Limbaugh had a parody of the emerging "magic negro" theme that was enveloping his campaign. Asked by a knee jerk reporter to cry foul, Obama said, "no, it's not bad." Kudos.
3. He will lose the general election. I mean, the guy has 2 years in the Senate. He comes from a dirty, corrupt part of a dirt, corrupt city where he barely has enough experience to be elected local county dog catcher.

So, fine. But now his followers are scary. Look people. Stop it. Get a grip.
This video has surface and I think it is appropriate. Also, let me add that -in the spirit of acting like a liberal- his followers remind me of Nazis. I mean, you know who else was a charismatic speaker who entranced his nation's elites and college youths? That's right, Hitler. Seriously, it's history. Also, consider how Obama wants to meet with all the thugs and dictators out there? You know he is going to sign some sort of world domination pact. Just like Hitler.

Additionally, you have to accept this: the guy is not Jesus. Look, Ozombies, the guy has no clue about things. He is just a pontificating lawyer.
Finally, on the race thing. He's half black, right? Which half was he raised by? You know what I mean, was he raised by his white parent or his black parent? What? Obamessiah was raised by crackers? You know, if I was a crazy lefty (at least 1/3 of them), I would tend to suspect he was a racial-manchurian candidate. Ponder that, swampy. By the way, have you seen the cost of arugula.

* someone accused me of being a hostile politics discusser. That is a dirty lie told by a dirty liar. Everyone knows I am nice. Obviously, some people dislike being wrong when I am right.

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Look. McCain. What the hell? I know.
Just get me my nose plugs. Sure, he thinks that America should adopt the rest of the world. That an influx of 50 million new voters (more ominously, 50 million potential new medicade, medicare, welfare, social security recipients (and statistically, a couple of new criminals too)) is just what the country needs. Look, I can understand the democrats wanting to repopulate the country with a citizenship that has already demonstrated that they can vote for the same party for 90 years in a row without blinking. I am a believer that the country has at least some common intellectual and cultural roots that should be maintained by carefully letting people apply to become a member of our family.
Whatever, the guy who I may not even vote for, McCain, has at least one thing going for him. He is not a pissant lawyer who thinks he knows everything. I went to law school and I hate lawyers. What I am trying to say is that to him, it is not truth and beauty and beauty, truth, for matters of policy to be decided by activists lawyers. The video and partial transcript at the link illustrate this. So, yeah, Odumbo doesn't like judges who don't share his deepest values. Values I guess reflected by his, shall we say, relationships with Ayers and Wright?
So, fine. Why vote for McCain? Is he smart, probably not. Does he he understand basic conservative values, I doubt it.
He will kill terrorists.
He hates elitist lawyer types who think that the problem with democracy are bitter clingers.
He will cut taxes AND cut spending.
He may also have Mitt as his Veep.

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Dude, where is that recession? To quote people who actually know things about things about money, a recession is two quarters of the economy contracting. For the "science is a social construct crowd," that means that the economy shrinks, gets smaller, is less big, etc., and does so for half a year, about six months.

So, this gets filed under the "please, Global Warming, please make America a land of ashen faces and empty bellies, let our troops lie dying in despair at the feet of our so called enemies, just so long as I can feed my irrational hatred of the president. Damn you, Bush. Why won't this country fucking die to spite you?" file. You know I know what I am talking about. As I said earlier, one third of the Democrat party is filled with insane paranoid delusions and has an absolute hatred for our rather moderate president.

My point is this: despite the goobers in the media discussing a recession. And despite Obama pandering to his rich white base about how awful everything is, the economy has yet to actually go red, that is, go negative. It's still growing.

"But, but, but housing prices are going down!" Look, hippy, stay on target. Aren't cheaper homes a smaller barrier to homeownership? Aren't falling home prices a result of new home construction? What, were you going to sell the house you just bought? Ever hear of closing costs? A house is an investment and life is not to be lived that way. The stupid (who are usually poor) always pay. Nonetheless, low housing prices are not the economy. They are a piece of something much bigger.

Back to the main point, I see people talking about a recession. What recession? What the hell? We can talk about gas prices because high gas prices do affect infrastructure. You can take the bus, the guy who gets your milk from the farm to Safeway can't do that and he gets creamed (get it?). But, as I will go into agonizing depth later, these high gas prices are the direct result of our energy policy. Hell, Algae (al gore) has openly daydreamed about high gas prices being mother earth and global warmenating's salvation. We need supplies to keep up with demand. It's that simple. If we refuse to build new refineries and do some drilling here, then prices will go up, almost as naturally as water flows downhill. It's a law of economics, look it up. Or better yet, try to break that law, sell something for less than it's market value and see how long you can keep that up.

The point remains. What recession? Stop talking about it! Ace had one good point though, unlike the recession resulting from Clinton's Bubble, there was no rah-rah from the media, so the recent correction did not result from overvaluation like the Clinton Bubble Tech Crash.
I am trying to come up with a good title for this post. Basically, I got my car detailed today and while I was waiting, I visited the neighboring gun store. I am interested in home defense. I have a very valuable acorn collection (being featured twice on the Hobby Network) and while I am a supporter of our enumerated constitutional rights (the ones that the Constitution actually contains like my right to bear arms) I have never owned one. But I have to say, the Walther P22 was just so cute, with it's little laser sight.

The store clerk informed me that it would be useless for when the shit goes down. When faced with an onrushing hoard of zombies, it wouldn't be able to stop one. In fact, it wouldn't stop the ubiquitous chainsaw wielding maniac either.

So, fine. Whatever. The Mossberg pump action shot gun was $500. Let me tell you that beast was not cute. It is scary. The muzzle is a breaching muzzle which means that...

I don't know what, the upshot is that the end of the goddamned shotgun is serrated.
Yeah, tempting.
The clerk and I agreed that zombies don't get scared, but crackheads and ax-murderers do. So, that is a plus. And really, the shick-shick noise that shotguns make is enough to make even the toughest ax-murderer flee in fear.
What sucks is that the only really big purchase I have been dying to make is a new bed. This is the problem that economists describe as infinite desires, finite means.
So, damn you Bush, it must be true that this country is in the tank because I can't buy everything I want every time I want something new.

Monday, May 05, 2008

Man, bitter, clings to faith.

However, since this man is an elite, there is no clinging to his guns.

And actually, that is surprising because, as a married man, I would have thought that this person would follow the transformation that most of my acquaintances and friends have made. That is another post, but basically, from what I have seen, when a man gets a house and a wife, and maybe some kids (and definitely when he gets a daughter), that man, even a brie eating, chardonnay-sipping multiculturalist, starts considering the need to protect his family.

But I digress. Maybe his lack of respect for gun ownership indicates that he is not a real man. Then again, to listen to his supporters, I don’t think that they think he is a real man either. Rather, they (Ozombies) seem to consider Obama (Odumbo) to be Jesus. Well, some sort of politically correct, ultra-man (you realize that the strict-constructionist-Darwinists out there believe life got started on earth by aliens planting the seeds of life on Earth (god is so lower-class)). Whatever, the Ozombies mindlessly chant his name, faint in his presence, and donate money to his campaign. And they worship him.

Anyway, much like the good folk of America that he considers simpletons that cling to guns and God because they haven’t had a job in 25 years (talk about a Union mentality, “nope, no job hunting for me, I will just wait until they reopen the foundry.”), Odumbo bitterly clings to his faith in high taxes.

The story is old, but the implications are still huge. When confronted with facts about the Laffer curve that lowering the capital gains tax raises overall revenue brought in to the government at the last debate, Odumbo stuck to socialism's tired dogma. For those of you with fake degrees instead of MBA’s (chances are, your degree is for nose picking. Simple test, is your degree a BS? No? Then congrats on wasting your time), the simple reason is that lower taxes make it easier to run a business. Easier business running makes bosses more likely to hire more workers, and so on. Liberals seem to have a simplistic, unnuanced belief that bosses exist merely to layoff workers, harass the girls, and not promote the minorities. So, when asked why he would raise the capital gains tax rate, what did the Messiah, the One, the Chosen, the hope, the change, the etc., etc., say?

Odumbo said that he would raise the tax anyway. Just because. You know, it would make life more fair or something. Look, he said what he said out of pure blind dogma. It's his faith, his creed. Tax. Spend. Repeat. People who are successful are bad-unless they are easily duped, rich Hollywood liberals.

Great, so he holds on to his socialist dogma. Yeah, raise taxes and punish the running dog capitalist oppressors while at the same time ignoring your mutual funds. and your job. What a tool. Honestly, this guy couldn’t think his way outside an open paper bag. In the interest of bipartisanship that the Democrat party is famous for (only 31% crazy, BTW*), I can’t wait to start using the Clarence Thomas school of nuance in discussing Odumbo’s accomplishments (like graduating from college, must be cough cough, racial preferences).

* 31% of registered Democrat voters think that BUSH planned/caused 9-11. Yup, a third of a major political party are disgusting truthers. Then again, Obie went to a “church,” that believes that AIDS was created by “the Man,” to kill minorities. So, what can you do?

So, there you go. A policy statement for hope and change from Odumbo. He will change tax policy to kill your 401K and hurt your company. And he will hope that his tax rate increase won’t repeat the historical consequences of these taxes.

Regarding the post on fruit flies, how some chicks prefer dipshits, there is a corollary study that also has profound implications. It turns out that happier marriages are based on the hotness of the wives. Or rather, it is important for the bride to be hotter than the groom.
Great, now I know why I wasn't married in my 20's.
It turns out it wasn't me, it was them. Sorry, Betties. Even as a shy 1L with hot GF 's (1LGF, 2LGF, and 3LGF), I knew. just. not. hot. enough. for. my. genes.
Well, I guess one option would be to put down the running shoes and barbells and pick up a doughnut.
And maybe, that is why all the XG's out there have tried to make me fat. Even if they did make me fat, I would still know.
I think my only options right now are Megan Fox or Minka Kelly. Ok, funny, I know, but seriously, well, there is nothing serious about this post. I just like that joke.

And, of course, some people will be happy no matter what they end up with. Sorry, couldn't help it. These things write themselves. You could almost call me a hack.
Hmm, a politics post - and it is not going to be about some people's simplistic and childish belief in a divine power known as "Global Warming," or actually, to be accurate, "man-made Global Climate Change." I mean, the globe has obviously warmed considerably. Scarily, today within the space of a few hours, Maryland has gone from a brisk 58 degrees to a tepid 72 degrees in the mere 3 hours since I woke up. Obviously, every one must stop driving their cars immediately. And preferably get off the beltway. well, except for me. I want to see how fast I can go on the beltway without any cars on it. And ominously, it seems that during the same time my local part of the globe has experienced a rapid rise in temperature, Perth Australia has experienced an almost equal and opposite cooling. I predict that half the globe will settle into a hyper warm atmosphere while the other half will turn into an ice ball.

But, anyway...

Some idiot professor of fruit and mammarian studies has encountered the harshest form of oppression known to the academy. Her students disagreed with her. I know, shocking.

Let's take a sample of her, shall we say, syllabus:

"scholarly specialty is "science studies," which, as she wrote in a journal article last year, "teaches that scientific knowledge has suspect access to truth." She continues: "Scientific facts do not correspond to a natural reality but conform to a social construct."

Yup, that old social construct: the scientific method. Now, this scientific method is not the community-based reality that is Global Warming where false climate data is fed into poorly thought out computer models to show looming catastrophe, but a process by which a hypothesis is tested and either confirmed or proven wrong.

What I love about academics is their ability to use a variation of language to both combat the communication of ideas and to stifle disagreement. I call it "nihilistic over-verbalization." And I actually do love it. It is like watching Maori tribesmen do some bizarre and obviously counter-societal tribal sacrifice (where the academics sacrifice truth, the savages only sacrifice a goat), if the destruction is done with the right amount of flair, it's fun to watch. I love the way it rolls off one's tongue with right amount of smugness and defensiveness. If the person sounds like she memorized it from someone else, that is a bonus. Anyway, I always smile and think to myself, "that is good nihilism, way to avoid the real world. "
To illustrate: at one point in the Sopranos, future nihilist academic Meadow responds to her BF's fear concerning the Mafia by pointing out that such social organizations were a natural consequence of the barriers to access that American society placed in the path of Italian Americans. "Great Meadow, but I am still going to be whacked without consequence because I saw a "made" guy go down on a dock worker."
Maybe the Hebrews were right, by naming something, you have power over it. I could go on, but the social construct thing always makes me smile. And maybe these people are trying to use that power to become gods. makes you think, eh?

in this post, a lunatic professor is questioned by her students in response to her not-quite well thought out ideas. The left has told us that the highest form of patriotism is dissent (and flag burning and vandalizing recruiting offices). But, now we learn that to the academic left, the highest form of scholarship is blindly accepting vacuous identity agendas from whoever happens to be lecturing at that period of time.

Savor some crazy:

"After a winter of discontent, the snapping point came while Ms. Venkatesan was lecturing on "ecofeminism," which holds, in part, that scientific advancements benefit the patriarchy but leave women out. One student took issue, and reasonably so – actually, empirically so. But "these weren't thoughtful statements," Ms. Venkatesan protests. "They were irrational." The class thought otherwise. Following what she calls the student's "diatribe," several of his classmates applauded."

This is an important reminder, folks, that your PhD in Dutch Gargling and Basket-Weaving with a minor in Comparative Feminist-Scream Therapy is not only useless, but quite annoying.

Post Script, It is true that I called these advanced degrees useless (much like law degrees (not my law degree, mind you)), but I was reminded that Michelle Obama used her PhD in Dutch Gargling and Basket-weaving with a minor in comparative feminist-scream therapy with an emphasis on cracker hating into a $300K job. So, I mean, unless the messiah used his influence to peddle a job for his embarrassment of a wife, there are some perks to being able to a write a thesis so bad that Christopher Hitchens wrote, "To describe it as hard to read would be a mistake; the thesis cannot be "read" at all, in the strict sense of the verb. This is because it wasn't written in any known language." Wow, I wish I could write like that guy. Then again, I wish I could sing like Dave Matthews or throw a football like Bret Favre, so that thought is trite and obvious.