Friday, November 07, 2008

Ooops, spoke too soon.

There's another category. I am a little surprised I missed this one, considering the Mouth of Damacles that is Joe Biden.

Consider that the duo of Pinko and the Brain are both gaffetastic windbags who say some of the most retarded shit out there, we have to keep track of the laugh track, whether it's Obama's 59 states, Biden's visits to Katie's Diner, or shit about the seas going down.

So, Mr. Magnanimous, the most merciful and competent, Lord Barrack Hussein Obama, finds himself in a bit of a gaffe...and decides to insult Nancy Reagan.

Well played, sir.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And then Zero's handlers made him proffer a lamo apology to Nancy.
An 87 year old widow with a broken hip !
I wished that she had told him her Ronnie fought his communist kind.
But she is too much off a class act.
And it was Mary Todd and Pillory who held seances. Nancy wa sall about star gazing.
Great 4 years of Odumbo putting his foot in his mouth.