Monday, November 03, 2008

The failed policies of the past, like not outright bankrupting major portions of the American economy such as coal (how will that affect your energy bills, suckers?), have apparently been embraced as somehow being hopey and changey.

I noticed a comment about the election that is three flavors of wrong and I figured I may as well end the suspense by declaring that this blog is officially endorsing McCain.

I have my nose-plugs. But then again, McCain, Maverick he may be, is a patriot and someone who has done more in his life for this nation than many have been called upon to do. Another person pointed out that McCain may have been born privilege, but he has served. The story of his confinement alone gives many people feel-good notions about what kind of guy he is. Look, I would have blabbed. I would have taken the early exit. He also, has commanded units, he learned to fly planes. He got himself elected to Congress, first in the house and then to the Senate. He managed to become more than an anonymous law maker who existed merely to vote along with whatever legislation it is that was being pushed down the sausage factory.

On the other hand, Obama may not have been born to an admiral, but he has had a fast and easy rise. His hardest moment of government service was voting against the Iraq war. Only, you know, he was still dog catcher in the Daley political machine in Chicago. He has never served this country. I doubt he was a boy scout. I doubt he ever socially met a patriot until he got to DC in 2004. And, he is a straight party line, reliable vote producer. No, ah yes, what's the word, intellectual curiosity on his part.

And another problem with the One is that no one knows anything about the Obozo. A comment to this blog posted that " that they [ayers and obama] aren't friends, and he isn't an influence on Obama. That's kinda the sticking point that ruins the argument" I found this sort of interesting study of the half-life of whatever it is Ozero says. Well, which answer is it, ya know?

This blog is a very good starting point in connecting the dots.

Let's talk about Obama's influences. The man has been surrounded by socialist and anti-American influences his entire life. Dad was one. His preacher seems to be at least a black liberation theology version of one. He worked with ACORN and Ayers and other agitation types in the Chicago Annenberg Challenge (the CAC). The CAC was billed as an education initiative, but it was really a political indoctrination effort. Kids weren't taught to read, write, add, or subtract, but to be pissed off at America. These kids were taught to become political activists in the Alinksy view of the country.

Ayers was and is an influence on Obama. Ayers helped launched his career. They worked together. Hell, some egghead semiotics experts think that Ayers helped Obama write his two books.

So, since time is short and I have goofed off on collecting links to everything I have read in the past two months, let summarize it:

Obama’s economic policies are insane. His economic advisors are academic socialist types. That is, instead of following a Friedman, Laffer, or Greenspan model of the economy, he has chosen Krugmanesque insanity. America needs business friendly laws, not institutional anti-business bias. Unless, you are already independently wealthy (i.e., a democrat) or you live and work in an area or field that does not rely on “businesses” to sell you things or pay you money.

His tax policy is Earned Income Tax Credit hijinks, where non-tax payers get refunds for money they didn’t pay. He will let the current tax rates expire, raising everyone’s rates.

As far as foreign policy goes, Obama has shown a consistent anti-American preference in his world view. I am going to say that this is a return to Jimmy Carter’s ineffectual and reflexively passive foreign policy. I found this awesome quote today from a hostage from Iran:

“The day that Carter was defeated, one of the "students" couldn't wait to come into our cell to tell us. Another Marine said, "You mean Reagan won?!?!" "Yes." he said with a big humus-eating grin. The other Marine and I looked at each other and said "Oooooooooooooooo" (the international sound for 'You are so %^(k#> dude!') The student asked what the problem was at which point the other Marine walked right up to his face and made an explosion noise while miming a mushroom cloud with his hands.”

I just had to throw that in there. Iran is still a problem today. Note that in Iraq, Obama’s policy preference was to cut and run. He opposed the surge. I am willing to bet that he wasn’t even that crazy about going into Afghanistan. After all, attacks on America are merely blowback from our evil foreign policies. You’ve heard the tapes of his chosen preacher give his week of 9-11 sermons, right?

We also have this comment “Obama has the ability to do more to strengthen the cohesiveness of the country and the view the international community has of the US. And for me, I always prefer a president who believes in my civil rights and doesn't believe in taking rights away -- or pushing his or her religious views on me as a citizen. The US needs a government it can trust. Remains to be seen if Obama can do that, but I'm wagering he can do it better than a McCain/Palin administration."

Ok, well, I don't know where to start, let's talk about Joe the Plumber. Or about Jack Ryan. Some part of the Chicago political machine release Ryan’s sealed divorce papers, embarrassing him (apparently he liked to have sex with Jerri Ryan) into resigning his campaign run, leaving State Senator Obama virtually unopposed. Or Joe the Plumber, gets his tax leins and other issues exposed. Yup, you, average citizen, will be liable for a public rectal reaming should you publicly oppose the One.

What about that first amendment? He won’t veto a return of the Fairness Doctrine. Now, everyone except talk radio will be free to be unfair, but only conservative types will be silenced.

God knows, what he plans to do about guns, but I doubt Obama is a strong second amendment sort.

I have a few friends who are single issue voters. They are big into killing babies and/or into gay marriage. Well, my initial suspicions about Rev. Wright were that his church had no love for bro on bro love. It turns out that that is true and that Obama shares that view. No gay marriage for you under Obama. Actually, who knows?

As for baby killing, yes, Obama believes that a woman’s right to kill outweighs a baby’s right to live. In fact, he has gone South Park and supported post birth denial of care for unwanted babies. He lied and said he didn’t, but the analysis says he did. So, yes, if you really really really want to terminate unwanted people (except for felons), Obama is your guy. On the other hand, maybe you could focus on the things that the President actually has power over instead of worry about a primarily legislative issue.

On the issue of adopting Mexico. Yes, Maverick and the One agree. It’s time to bring em all in. No English, no respect for America, no understanding of our traditions, no problem.

Obama goes even further with his Global Poverty Initiative which basically adopts everyone else in the world who isn’t already here illegally. Mo money! It’s cool, the government will just print more.

I won’t even get started on the hidden efforts to nationalize your 401k.

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