Thursday, October 16, 2008

So, anything going on?

Two visits to the left coast in less than a month, and I have to say that Frisco reminds me of Portland, only I think people shower in Cali.

Also, heads up, expensive Napa wine seems to be overrated. I didn't stop at Edgewood, but I did enjoy meeting my gal Gloria Ferrer. On the other hand, maybe the $180 difference of Opus One eluded me. I was unimpressed by what I thought was flat tasting red water. It was awesome seeing the Grgrich winery and somewhat cool to see Cakebread.

Oh yes, the election. Look, instead of information overload, it's like wanna write overload.

What can you say? Indeed, what would you want to say? I am not Joe the Plumber, but I don't (er, actually "wouldn't") want the AP and the New York Times to go through my life's story if I were unlucky enough to ask Saint Obama a question to which he responded with knee jerk armchair socialist rhetoric. Well, we now know more about Joe and Palin's grandkid's paternity than we do about the Annenberg Challenge.

Nonetheless, every now and then I have a snippet for you, the meager audience of my idiotic blog. An exasperated lib was exasperated that this Ayers stuff keeps coming up. "Haven't we head enough about Ayers?" they whine...

Short answer: no.

Long answer:

To liberals for whom Obama's associations with insane anti-Americans and socialists under whom Obama has shaped his world view are not important, not character flaws, and probably stuff that they already agree with, this is indeed tedious subject matter and the answer would be "yes." It's not a bug, it's a feature.

For people who think that Obama's not a radical, that he's just a wonderchild that the media would love for them to vote for and for the remaining few who would nonetheless probably like to know more about this guy who spent 143 working days in the Senate, most of which was spent running for president and voting "present," the answer is "no, why haven't I heard this stuff before, why is it being whitewashed? Tell us more about this guy."

Indeed, we now know more about Joe's qualifications as a plumber (and evidently his standing to ask questions about tax policy) than we (well, you) know about Obama's resume.

More to come.

But really, what can you do? I don't want my car to get demolished because I put a McCain bumpersticker on it.

1 comment:

kidTruant said...

Joe, you mention Ayers but you don't mention the fact that they aren't friends, and he isn't an influence on Obama. That's kinda the sticking point that ruins the argument. As for votes for "present" -- that was in state Senate, not US, and it's a common way for Illinois senators to vote. That said, I think a vote of "present" is still a cop out for Obama and his state senate colleagues. Nevertheless, big picture view, Obama has the ability to do more to strengthen the cohesiveness of the country and the view the international community has of the US. And for me, I always prefer a president who believes in my civil rights and doesn't believe in taking rights away -- or pushing his or her religious views on me as a citizen. The US needs a government it can trust. Remains to be seen if Obama can do that, but I'm wagering he can do it better than a McCain/Palin administration. My two cents.
- kidTruant