Friday, May 07, 2010

Just wanted to coin a phrase...

It seems some students were punished for wearing American flags to school on cinco de Mayo.

Yeah, the school officials that did this are America's Vichy Government. They've got to keep the conquered in line, don't they?

How would I like it if someone wore Mexican colors on the Fourth of July?

Well, let's put some thought into that question...

Um, you mean if I moved to Mexico in this hypothetical? And I walked around saying how much Mexico sucked and how the part of Mexico in which I am living should be returned to the US? I think if I were that big of an asshole, I may take offense. But the reality is is that I would be an asshole who deserved to get insulted by the patriotism of the country in which I chose to live. Get it? When you migrate, you should assimilate...that being what we used to call the "melting pot." You leave the Old Country and embrace the New Country.

Anyway, PCism runs amok. Our government seemingly exists to serve the large, potential voting pool of illegal immigrants rather than the people who are here and appreciate the place. There you go, we are now subjects of Vichy America.

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