Monday, April 26, 2010

Interesting episode of SNL this weekend. I guess they gave up on trying to Palinize the tea parties and moved on to a group that we can all hate together. Hope and Change, baby!

These public sector union thugs have gamed the system. From incompetent teacher rubber rooms to double dipping and abuse of disability rules. This is what happens when a democracy lets the government get too large or the voters get to used to monolithically voting for one party.

At least in the old days of Federalism and Capitalism, when someone else failed it was their problem. They had to make it right, go bankrupt, start over again. The point being is that the bad behavior changed. Now, the WPE administration is doing their best to institutionalize failure. So, go ahead, work hard, raise a family, pay taxes, save some money, the left's going to take it to subsidize their idiocy.

My dad always like to say the world is divided between the haves and the have nots. trite. And he said it in a way to convey that the haves are the bad people. No. It's the other way around. The "haves" have stuff because they worked for it. The "haves" have to protect their stuff from the "have nots." In fact, people who use terms like "haves" and "have nots" are generally using it in a way to justify taking from the "haves." Sorry, the pursuit of happiness includes being secure in your own possessions. Let me quote from my boy, P.J. O'Rourke:

I think the Old Testament is quite clear about that. The Bible might seem to be a strange place to be doing economic research, but I have been thinking, from a political economy point of view, about the Tenth Commandment. Now the first nine commandments concern theological principles--thou shall not steal and kill and so forth. Fair enough. Then there's the Tenth Commandment: "Thou shall not covet they neighbor's wife. Thou shall not covet thy neighbor's house, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor anything that is thy neighbor's." I mean, here are God's basic rules for how we should live, a very brief list of sacred obligations and solemn moral precepts, and right at the end of it is: "Don't envy your buddy his cow." What is that doing there? Why would God, with just 10 things to tell Moses, choose jealousy about the stuff the guy next door has? Well, think about how important to the well-being of a community that commandment actually is. What that commandment says is that if you want a donkey, if you want a pot roast, if you want a cleaning lady, don't bitch about it, go get your own!

The Tenth Commandment sends a message to socialists, to collectivists, to people who believe that wealth is best obtained by redistribution, and that message is clear and concise: Go to hell! It's as simple as that.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

This image of oh-so-holier-than thou hate filled leftists really amuses me.

That's right, we here in Eugene are so post-hate that we can hope someone chokes to death because she's the hater. Get it? Apparently, Palin is so hateful with her hatefulness that she justifies a self-defense exception to the hate-free zone rule of being hate free. After all, anyone who is a patriot, a defender of free markets, or decides not to abort her less than perfect child, is full of hate. Oh yeah, she also made fun of the left's super-cool boyfriend, so she must die.

How dare she suggest that a thugged up, Chicago thug who never held any executive post and seemed to surround himself with hate-filled lefties (the good kind of hate, natch, the kind that bombs the Pentagon and says "God Damn America" after 9-11) would turn out to be the worst president ever, bumbling around from bad idea to bad idea while at the same time embarrassing himself on the world stage.

Yep, that's the Reader of the Teleprompter of the Free World bowing to the Mayor of Tampa, Florida; a feat he's performed around the world.

But back to the fungible hate filled leftists, here represented by the cognitive dissonance of the Eugenesters (The Eugenicals perhaps? After all, one theory of Palin hate is that they hate her cause she kept Trig instead of abortion)...

I am reminded of how liberals argue.

The first technique is more or less their meta self-defense against introspection. That is, they project. Just look at the signs. On one hand, the signs simply state "we hate you, Sara Palin. Please die." On the other hand, they obviously think they are the epitome's of anti-hate. Nope, sorry, hate-filled leftists, you are filled with hate. You hate so much you cleanse your communities and schools and mind from any disagreeing theories. As Reagan said, you are ignorant, you know so much that isn't so. All thoughts and facts contrary to your views are swept aside. ignored.

Technique number two in the hate-filled leftist playbook is the ad hominem personal attack. Let's say you point out that Obama had no idea what was in the Pelosicare bill and that he basically begged Pelosi to pass any bill titled "Healthcare Reform" regardless of any costs or operations and that the end result is going to be a gigantic clusterfuck. Well, the hate-filled leftist may respond by calling you a "racists teabagging moron" or something else quite nice. Fine, I am all of those things, the bill still sucks, can we focus on that? And that reminds me, look at WPE's face as Rep. Paul Ryan explains to him that the proposed bill uses every sham CBO gaming technique to hide its awfulness.

What do you think he's thinking here? His thoughts are most likely "I hate this guy, he is my enemy," and not something substantial.

The third technique is to argue against their own prejudices. Again, hate-filled lefties know so much that isn't so. Of course, Bush planned 9-11 to have Halliburton get rich and evil corporations are keeping America from being a good place and the networks are run by corporations and that people who disagree are probably from the south and never read any books and should stop listening to Rush Limbaugh...and so on....

So, your debate isn't a presentation of ideas, it's a talking point from the evil insurance companies. Witness Obama's justification of nationalizing health care, um doctors are performing predatory amputations and tonsillectomies. Right, convincing! Well, only to people who live in that reality, I guess.

Finally, I've realized that any time a liberal recounts anything anyone said, chance are they are lying. Show me the tape! Anne Coulter said "They think all Ann Coulter quotes are one long ticker tape that may be cut up and strung together at random to produce any imaginable point."

Another example that sticks out is the Limbaugh phony soldier controversy. I remember Harry Reid characterize this as "Limbaugh was engaged in one of his typical rants. This one was unremarkable, indistinguishable from his usual drivel, which has been steadily losing listeners for years, [sic] until he crossed that line by calling our men and women in uniform who oppose the war in Iraq, and I quote, "phony soldiers." " Get it? Rush was in a rant where he crossed the line, apparently during that rant calling people in the military who oppose the Iraq war as "phony soldiers." So, obviously, one would think that Rush said something along the lines of, if you don't support the war, and you are in uniform, you aren't a true soldier, and are a seditious tool.

Contrary to this alternate reality, Rush was not in a rant, he was actually listening to a caller, who is in the military complain about people claiming to be combat vets and then using that status to accuse the military of war crimes or to oppose the war. That is, a caller cited the phenomenon of Jesse MacBeth types who, oops, made up a bunch of lies. The exchange went something like this:

RUSH ARCHIVE: It's not possible intellectually to follow these people.

CALLER: No, it's not. And what's really funny is they never talk to real soldiers. They like to pull these soldiers that come up out of the blue and spout to the media.

RUSH: The phony soldiers.

CALLER: The phony soldiers. If you talk to any real soldier and they're proud to serve, they want to be over in Iraq, they understand their sacrifice and they're willing to sacrifice for the country.

RUSH: They joined to be in Iraq.

So, two versions of reality. What really happened is that Rush and a caller were discussing, in an aside, the Jesse MacBeth slurs. These liars were phony soldier, that term being a short hand for people who have falsely claimed to be combat vets or combat vets who made up false stories. So, what actually happened and the false reality dreamed up by the hate-filled left. Even worse, many democrat senators then signed a resolution decrying what happened in their minds. Well, in my mind, those who signed that resolution identified themselves as shameless, robotic partisan hacks.

So, anytime a hate filled lefty friend starts a conversation with "Have you heard what so and so said?" I know that I have to be prepared to say, um no, show me the tape. You're repeating a lie.
So, here's to you, hate filled lefties of Eugenics, Oregon, keep the scary hate of Palin at bay. Can we get an ironic, 80's slow clap?

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Ok, so let's just start off with this. Thanks a lot, 52 percenters. I mean, fuck the 52 percent who elected the reader of the teleprompter of the formerly free world. But double fuck the McCain primary voters who gave us the asshole who gave up the election to Obama because that's just the kind of Maverick he is.

IBD summarizes what 2 years of Unicorn Farts have done to the economy, along with 4 years of democrat control of Congress.

"TARP Special Inspector General Neil Barofsky told Congress that "nearly 20 preliminary and full criminal investigations" were under way. By June, Barofsky was estimating the total cost of U.S. bailout and stimulus efforts at as much as $23.7 trillion — an astounding sum to pay for regulatory incompetence."

To steal from PJ O'Rourke, What the fuck? What the fucking fuck? I mean really? $23 Trillion? To bail out what? I said it in October 2008, we should let everything break and pick up the pieces. Bailing things out only reinforces the underlying problems. Bankruptcy clears the forest, so to speak. But now we’re on the hook for twice the gross national product.

And now, America is looking down the barrel of even more. WPE is now pimping market reform. And pondering a VAT.

What economist does this guy listen to? Oh right, Che Guevara and Alinsky.

This is scary stuff. With the mindless, robotic help of Congress, Obama is succeeding in pouring concrete into the metaphoric economic gears of the country. High taxes will kill growth. Regulation will kill investment. So what will be left? 300 million people with what?

Leftists seem to assume that America can be the America we know and love, powerful and wealthy and safe without any of the real world stuff that got us our wealth, power, and safety. That is, they think we can eliminate risk (and therefore entrepreneurship etc.) without eliminating prosperity. That we can tax the fuck out of everything without everything disappearing.

People on the right like to talk about Cloward-Piven but this economic strategy is more than that. It's basically an obliteration of an economy. If this isn't done on purpose, these actions have got to be the biggest accident ever. Can Pelosi, Obama, and Reid just accidentally do the wrong thing at every possible moment?

So yeah, what a pisser. It feels like the communists have won. What to do? I mean, I don’t want to live through the next Great Depression.

And president-shit-for-brains pulls this one out. Obama has claimed his middle class tax pledge only applied to income taxes rather than “any form of taxes”.Right…Promises promises. We can't impeach this guy fast enough.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Let's just recap. And yes, I shameless rip this off from Agoyandhisblog but I've been on top of this too. It's all about aggregation, baby!

Pictures can be worth a 1000 words. Sometimes there's a trend. Then the trend changes. If you were able to figure out what caused the change in the trend to occur, well then you've learned a lesson.

So, let's check this out:

And remember, we spent a trillion dollars to do this:

And yes, we paid for nothing. And for some reason, the up-town girls I know are all of the sudden not so concerned about the deficit.

And just to point out, Obama's anti-business policies (and the anti-investment horror shows like Sarbanes-Oxley) leads to the current, ahem, recovery:

And you stupid Obama zombies robotically support him.

Oh well, at least he's not like those stupid a-holes, Bush, Reagan, and JFK who cut taxes and made life easy for people. So, the hipster D-bag O-voters can feel smug. So that's something.
Just reading about how the California unions have bankrupted that state and it seems to me that some predictions from hundreds of years ago have come true. We've replaced one tyrant 1000 miles away with 1000 tyrants one mile away.

Yup, public sector union thugs are America's new King George.

Seditious? I guess.

But, listen up, you lazy thugs. You will lose just like King George.

But since we are dealing with leftists, let's review the rule of thumb on lefty debating points.

1. They project.

2. They lie. In fact, if a lefty ever recounts what she heard someone say, they are lying. Play the video, bitches.

3. They forget.

et tu, Hillary? I never knew you were a tea-bagger.

Look, this is America. The government works for us. We reserve the right to fire you people whenever we want. That includes the shitheels who work the little jobs too.

Thankfully, the war is on and we have a modern politician willing to push back. In New Jersey, these teachers apparently get a pension worth $3 million for an investment of $120K over their career. Those of us in the private sector have to work hard and invest smart for that. And let's not forget the rubber rooms of NYC where teachers too incompetent to teach still get paid (thankfully, ending soon).

Better yet, these union thugs, get all union-thuggy over it too, whether it's fake (wink wink, nudge nudge) death threats or organized strikes and walk outs. But really, what is the difference between King George and a fire fighter who refuses to put out a fire unless you pay your protection money.

Breitbart has some nice links to violent union thugs too, I like this little pile of crap whacking the camera out of someone's hand.

And of course, there's Kenneth Gladney.

What is scary is that the left doesn't seem to recognize basic economics. A functioning society cannot prosper when too many people work for the government instead of work for themselves.

Furthermore, it is a pisser that these union thugs can write their silly pension plan promises. We, in the real world, can laugh at them and say that their plans are not economically viable. But now, we are on the hook for this crap, bailing out states and businesses that have stupid pensions. "Thanks for being responsible...yoink, it's our money now." Instapundit has been commenting on this crap for years. At the end, it's simple. There were two schools of thought. States like Texas had low tax and small government models while idiots like New Jersey and California went the high tax and big government route. All that they got was expensive but crappy services.

Let's go full Reagan. Fire them all. All bets off. Welcome to the real world.