Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Just a thought (delayed a bit, sorry)

Isn't this media celebration of the Kennedy asshole's life simply the media patting themselves on the back for being bought and paid for for so long? I mean really, isn't this a celebration of Joseph Kennedy's post WWII era media manipulation.

The media has no shame. But they do have competition now. We know that that Ted Kennedy, the lion of the senate, was a lion inasmuch as he was a roaring drunk, womanizer, shameless robotic partisan hack, and spoiled rich kid. He was the bad guy from every teenage comedy in the 80's, spoiled, blonde, maybe too handsome and athletic at times, rich, arrogant, cheater, over-sexed.

Oh, by the way, he killed a girl.

But he was in favor of abortions...so it's all good to some.
He favored adopting totalitarian ideals from Europe...so it's all good to some.
He was a shameless, robotic, partisan hack who, by the way, voted against a universal health care option in the 70's because republicans would get credit for it. But still, being an asshole is bad, only when it's done to democrats.

I am glad we buried this enemy of America. At least jihadists come from dank mosques in foreign lands. This traitor grew up Catholic and wealthy in America. He should have defended our ideals...instead he was America's Perfect Useful Idiot.

And the media? The watchdogs? They just love the iconography. They need to defend their past obsequiousness for never holding the light to this awful family.
I wrote a post analyzing the flaws inherent in HR3200.
It's not that difficult.
In fact, it's staring you in the face.
The reader of the teleprompter of the free world says you can keep your insurance.
The bill says that you are grandfathered in until any changes to your old insurance takes place.
Those are facts.
What the bill also does is require insurance companies to take people in, regardless of preexisting conditions and for a premium equivalent to non-preexisting condition types.
That's a fact.
What this means is that, in order to charge everyone the same, cover applicants with preexisting conditions, all premiums have to go up.
Let's ignore the larger picture of why anyone would get insurance. Just wait until you get sick. You know? Take the tax hit.
What that means is that the grandfather clause is automatically kaput. There's no way your coverage will not be changed the moment the bill passes.
Obama lie.

Anyway, this being a recession and all, I thought I would pass along some money saving tips:

Lunch. People spend too much money on it. My advice, go to taco bell.
Order an $.89 chicken soft taco fresco style.
That's it. If you are super hungry and need more calories, get the chicken soft burrito instead, also $.89. It's filled with rice and a tasty, gooey, obviously high cal guacamole sauce.
Seriously, why bother with anything else. A value meal at Subway? like $8!
Even if you bring in hot pockets or Healthy Choice, you are still spending $3 for lunch.
The taco bell value menu is insane and so are you if you don't use it.
Also, if I can survive on one taco for lunch and I am an active, muscular, strikingly good looking 200 pound man, then you can also live on one.

Straight up, money cash advice ya'll.

Furthermore, Pasta Sauce.
You buy it.
Don't. Just make it.
The best sauce you can buy in a store is arguably Rao's. It's $8 a jar. That Barilla stuff is also pretty good at $3 a jar.
Screw that. Get an onion. A can of whole peeled tomatoes (with seasoning if you like) and a baby can of tomato paste.
Saute the onion until translucent, then add crushed garlic for another minute.
Then, add the two cans.
Stir and crush the tomatoes.
add a bay leaf, a tbsp of sugar. Some pepper, whatever else you have around.
Simmer for an hour or so.
Add about a half cup of the pasta water of the pasta you are cooking and some shredded Parmesan cheese.
Better than anything else you can buy. And I think you get like two jars worth.
I describe it as the difference between sunlight and clouds. This tastes alive while the shit you get at the store feels just there.
You can also add some bacon with the onion. Use a mirepoix if you have it laying around instead of just one onion. Hello, add shredded chicken or sausage mid point, or shrimp at the end.
So, if you shop smart, you can make this stuff for about $2.50. I'd say two jars worth of pasta sauce.

I've been meaning to do this for years. When I finally made my own sauce, the thought of years wasted buying Barilla in the stores struck me as wasted and futile and ultimately wasteful. A complete game changer.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

New Chevelle out.

First impression? Fell Into Your Shoes, Sleep Apnea, Letters From a Thief, and a few others are very strong. Going to the show, I'll ask them if they were inspired by Modest Mouse on Shoes.

Anyway, this is a big deal, Hot Air found the death panel. Rather, HR3200's version of the death panels. To quote the reader of the teleprompter of the free world:

Obama read this from his teleprompter:

"But I do think we need to explore a range of ideas about how to put patient safety first; how to let doctors focus on practicing medicine; how to encourage broader use of evidence-based guidelines. I want to work with the AMA so we can scale back the excessive defensive medicine that reinforces our current system, and shift to a system where we are providing better care, simply — rather than simply more treatment."

There you go. You can go ahead and treat granny in contradiction to our "evidence-based guidelines," or you will be sued into submission. I read this line of thought as providing trial lawyers with a prima facie lawsuit against doctors who treat people who go out and provide "simply more treatment."

This guy, reader of the teleprompter of the free world, he is dangerous.

In reading HR3200, something that it appears that the reader of the teleprompter of the free hasn't, I came across with the impression that

First, everyone will be forced to buy high cost insurance, or pay taxes.
Second, those who don't can still get insurance once they get sick, hit by a bus, or old.
Third, a review board will create evidence based guidelines, most likely headed by Dr. Emmanuel (Rahm's brother, call him neo-Kevorkian).
Fourth, there are no affirmative boundaries for anything. The administrator and boards will make all the decisions.
Fifth, abortion, euthanasia, and illegals will certainly be covered.
Sixth, it will cost a lot of money.
Seven, yes it will put insurance companies out of business.


No, you won't be able to keep your insurance. Your current plan is grandfathered until any part of it changes. However, on the very first day, the director has the power to force your provider to change the terms of your insurance...ergo...you lose.

Obama lies.