Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Just a thought (delayed a bit, sorry)

Isn't this media celebration of the Kennedy asshole's life simply the media patting themselves on the back for being bought and paid for for so long? I mean really, isn't this a celebration of Joseph Kennedy's post WWII era media manipulation.

The media has no shame. But they do have competition now. We know that that Ted Kennedy, the lion of the senate, was a lion inasmuch as he was a roaring drunk, womanizer, shameless robotic partisan hack, and spoiled rich kid. He was the bad guy from every teenage comedy in the 80's, spoiled, blonde, maybe too handsome and athletic at times, rich, arrogant, cheater, over-sexed.

Oh, by the way, he killed a girl.

But he was in favor of abortions...so it's all good to some.
He favored adopting totalitarian ideals from Europe...so it's all good to some.
He was a shameless, robotic, partisan hack who, by the way, voted against a universal health care option in the 70's because republicans would get credit for it. But still, being an asshole is bad, only when it's done to democrats.

I am glad we buried this enemy of America. At least jihadists come from dank mosques in foreign lands. This traitor grew up Catholic and wealthy in America. He should have defended our ideals...instead he was America's Perfect Useful Idiot.

And the media? The watchdogs? They just love the iconography. They need to defend their past obsequiousness for never holding the light to this awful family.

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