Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Just reading about how the California unions have bankrupted that state and it seems to me that some predictions from hundreds of years ago have come true. We've replaced one tyrant 1000 miles away with 1000 tyrants one mile away.

Yup, public sector union thugs are America's new King George.

Seditious? I guess.

But, listen up, you lazy thugs. You will lose just like King George.

But since we are dealing with leftists, let's review the rule of thumb on lefty debating points.

1. They project.

2. They lie. In fact, if a lefty ever recounts what she heard someone say, they are lying. Play the video, bitches.

3. They forget.

et tu, Hillary? I never knew you were a tea-bagger.

Look, this is America. The government works for us. We reserve the right to fire you people whenever we want. That includes the shitheels who work the little jobs too.

Thankfully, the war is on and we have a modern politician willing to push back. In New Jersey, these teachers apparently get a pension worth $3 million for an investment of $120K over their career. Those of us in the private sector have to work hard and invest smart for that. And let's not forget the rubber rooms of NYC where teachers too incompetent to teach still get paid (thankfully, ending soon).

Better yet, these union thugs, get all union-thuggy over it too, whether it's fake (wink wink, nudge nudge) death threats or organized strikes and walk outs. But really, what is the difference between King George and a fire fighter who refuses to put out a fire unless you pay your protection money.

Breitbart has some nice links to violent union thugs too, I like this little pile of crap whacking the camera out of someone's hand.

And of course, there's Kenneth Gladney.

What is scary is that the left doesn't seem to recognize basic economics. A functioning society cannot prosper when too many people work for the government instead of work for themselves.

Furthermore, it is a pisser that these union thugs can write their silly pension plan promises. We, in the real world, can laugh at them and say that their plans are not economically viable. But now, we are on the hook for this crap, bailing out states and businesses that have stupid pensions. "Thanks for being responsible...yoink, it's our money now." Instapundit has been commenting on this crap for years. At the end, it's simple. There were two schools of thought. States like Texas had low tax and small government models while idiots like New Jersey and California went the high tax and big government route. All that they got was expensive but crappy services.

Let's go full Reagan. Fire them all. All bets off. Welcome to the real world.

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