Ok, so let's just start off with this. Thanks a lot, 52 percenters. I mean, fuck the 52 percent who elected the reader of the teleprompter of the formerly free world. But double fuck the McCain primary voters who gave us the asshole who gave up the election to Obama because that's just the kind of Maverick he is.
IBD summarizes what 2 years of Unicorn Farts have done to the economy, along with 4 years of democrat control of Congress.
"TARP Special Inspector General Neil Barofsky told Congress that "nearly 20 preliminary and full criminal investigations" were under way. By June, Barofsky was estimating the total cost of U.S. bailout and stimulus efforts at as much as $23.7 trillion — an astounding sum to pay for regulatory incompetence."
To steal from PJ O'Rourke, What the fuck? What the fucking fuck? I mean really? $23 Trillion? To bail out what? I said it in October 2008, we should let everything break and pick up the pieces. Bailing things out only reinforces the underlying problems. Bankruptcy clears the forest, so to speak. But now we’re on the hook for twice the gross national product.
And now, America is looking down the barrel of even more. WPE is now pimping market reform. And pondering a VAT.
What economist does this guy listen to? Oh right, Che Guevara and Alinsky.
This is scary stuff. With the mindless, robotic help of Congress, Obama is succeeding in pouring concrete into the metaphoric economic gears of the country. High taxes will kill growth. Regulation will kill investment. So what will be left? 300 million people with what?
Leftists seem to assume that America can be the America we know and love, powerful and wealthy and safe without any of the real world stuff that got us our wealth, power, and safety. That is, they think we can eliminate risk (and therefore entrepreneurship etc.) without eliminating prosperity. That we can tax the fuck out of everything without everything disappearing.
People on the right like to talk about Cloward-Piven but this economic strategy is more than that. It's basically an obliteration of an economy. If this isn't done on purpose, these actions have got to be the biggest accident ever. Can Pelosi, Obama, and Reid just accidentally do the wrong thing at every possible moment?
So yeah, what a pisser. It feels like the communists have won. What to do? I mean, I don’t want to live through the next Great Depression.
And president-shit-for-brains pulls this one out. “Obama has claimed his middle class tax pledge only applied to income taxes rather than “any form of taxes”.Right…Promises promises. We can't impeach this guy fast enough.
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