Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Let's just recap. And yes, I shameless rip this off from Agoyandhisblog but I've been on top of this too. It's all about aggregation, baby!

Pictures can be worth a 1000 words. Sometimes there's a trend. Then the trend changes. If you were able to figure out what caused the change in the trend to occur, well then you've learned a lesson.

So, let's check this out:

And remember, we spent a trillion dollars to do this:

And yes, we paid for nothing. And for some reason, the up-town girls I know are all of the sudden not so concerned about the deficit.

And just to point out, Obama's anti-business policies (and the anti-investment horror shows like Sarbanes-Oxley) leads to the current, ahem, recovery:

And you stupid Obama zombies robotically support him.

Oh well, at least he's not like those stupid a-holes, Bush, Reagan, and JFK who cut taxes and made life easy for people. So, the hipster D-bag O-voters can feel smug. So that's something.

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