Interesting episode of SNL this weekend. I guess they gave up on trying to Palinize the tea parties and moved on to a group that we can all hate together. Hope and Change, baby!
These public sector union thugs have gamed the system. From incompetent teacher rubber rooms to double dipping and abuse of disability rules. This is what happens when a democracy lets the government get too large or the voters get to used to monolithically voting for one party.
At least in the old days of Federalism and Capitalism, when someone else failed it was their problem. They had to make it right, go bankrupt, start over again. The point being is that the bad behavior changed. Now, the WPE administration is doing their best to institutionalize failure. So, go ahead, work hard, raise a family, pay taxes, save some money, the left's going to take it to subsidize their idiocy.
My dad always like to say the world is divided between the haves and the have nots. trite. And he said it in a way to convey that the haves are the bad people. No. It's the other way around. The "haves" have stuff because they worked for it. The "haves" have to protect their stuff from the "have nots." In fact, people who use terms like "haves" and "have nots" are generally using it in a way to justify taking from the "haves." Sorry, the pursuit of happiness includes being secure in your own possessions. Let me quote from my boy, P.J. O'Rourke:
I think the Old Testament is quite clear about that. The Bible might seem to be a strange place to be doing economic research, but I have been thinking, from a political economy point of view, about the Tenth Commandment. Now the first nine commandments concern theological principles--thou shall not steal and kill and so forth. Fair enough. Then there's the Tenth Commandment: "Thou shall not covet they neighbor's wife. Thou shall not covet thy neighbor's house, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor anything that is thy neighbor's." I mean, here are God's basic rules for how we should live, a very brief list of sacred obligations and solemn moral precepts, and right at the end of it is: "Don't envy your buddy his cow." What is that doing there? Why would God, with just 10 things to tell Moses, choose jealousy about the stuff the guy next door has? Well, think about how important to the well-being of a community that commandment actually is. What that commandment says is that if you want a donkey, if you want a pot roast, if you want a cleaning lady, don't bitch about it, go get your own!
The Tenth Commandment sends a message to socialists, to collectivists, to people who believe that wealth is best obtained by redistribution, and that message is clear and concise: Go to hell! It's as simple as that.
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