Oh yeah, I've been waiting for this to come out.
And it underscores my other point, that most liberals are now unable to communicate via anything else other than totemic arguments or vitriol exclamations.
One nice girl I know who, of course, was a DC PR lib chick was, as of a year ago, making political conversation of the sort of "Oh, the national debt is so bad, China owns us, etc."
Well, needless to say, she was an automatic Ozomboid. Well, truth be told, she pivoted left towards Ozombdom once Hillary went down. But months earlier, she was cajoling me to vote Guilliani in the primaries because she just couldn't see Obama in charge because he'd be weak on terror.
The point being though is that mean old Bush had fucked things up with a big old debt. China was going to own us.
Well, shazam, welcome back Carter. Here we see true tax and spending. Oh, we've got the spending, and come next year, we'll get the taxing.
But, where's your China concern now? Now that the reader of the teleprompter of the free world has busted open the piggy bank on fake stimulus projects, it's rather convienent to forget the mock urgency of controlling what turned out to be medium size debts.
Ok, so, my lib pal wasn't really making a totemic argument, she was just repeating the same thing she's heard every night on Jon Stewart or NPR for months.
But really, you say something along the lines of "gee, Obama is spending too much money, it won't work," you get the totemic "You must be a Glenn Beck fan or stupid like Palin." That is, the mere saying of these totemic words is supposed to be an argument of itself. Look, my intellectual roots run deep. You're going to have to do better than that.
On the other hand, you just get vitriol, "well, Bush lieeded!!111Q!!1 people died, so we should let Obama fix America's image." Fact free and hate filled.
Communism doesn't work. You will always run out of money to spend. Market efficiencies dictate that you let bad businesses die. Now, we're worse off than we were a year ago.
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