Monday, November 09, 2009

Jumping to conclusions...

John Allen Muhammad
Mohammed Reza Taheri-azar
Hesham Mohamed Hadayet
Mohammad Sidique Khan
Mohamed Almallah Dabas
Mohammad Ajmal Amir Kasab
Abdulhakim Muhammad

Yes, what do these people have in common?

And let's not forget:
Karim Akbar
Nidal Malik Hasan
Bilal Talal Samad Abdullah.

What a joke. Never Forget means Never Learn.

Also, twenty years ago, the Berlin Wall fell. Mark Steyn asked a good question, who in the free world could've seen the fall of the Berlin Wall, the people escaping from misery and oppression, and been moved to say, "you know, we need some more of that here and everywhere."

Who? The academic elites for one. People like Barack Hussein Obama.

Whatever, the America retards get what they vote for. Maybe the human condition can't handle prosperity and freedom.

The Post-Reagan years have been 30 years of the best years in human history, period. The only people in America who haven't participated in the boom are those who live under the ideal of the Democrat Party. California may as well fall into sea. Michigan no longer produces anything worth buying. The underclass of the inner city are basically feral people at this point. But, laugh at Sarah Palin. Make fun of the Southern States where business has fled to. How does it feel, Washington State, to be so anti-business that Boeing has left?

What does it all mean? Read the bills, control the border, respect basic economic principles, get the government out of your life.

Anyway, in case you're wondering, or you read the New York Times and you have no idea what that list of names is of, here's a key.

John Allen Muhammad - Beltway sniper killed 10 in cold blood.
Mohammed Reza Taheri-azar tried to kill 9 people in UNC chapel hill by ramming them with his SUV.
Hesham Mohamed Hadayet killed two people at the Isreali airline, El Al, terminal. On the Fourth of July.
Bilal Talal Samad Abdullah rammed his SUV into Glasgow and tried to set it on fire.
Mohammad Sidique Khan bombed the London Subway
Mohamed Almallah Dabas bombed Madrid
Mohammad Ajmal Amir Kasab helped murder and torture (real torture, not the play rock music too loud torture) a Jewish family during the Mumbai massacres
Abdulhakim Muhammad killed a soldier at an Army recruiting station
Karim Akbar fragged his non-Muslim fellow soldiers
Nidal Malik Hasan killed his non-Muslim fellow soldiers

Nope, jump to conclusions, the most important thing is to prevent a backlash against the Muslim community even though they support terrorism.

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