You know, I've been following the Reader of the Teleprompter of the (Formerly) Free World's advice and "getting in their faces." Whenever someone mentions Global Warming, Green shit, or Man Made Global Climate Change, I say flat out, "There's no such thing as Global Warming." Well, unless I am in a room full of SWPL pussies because then I'd have to be concerned about their safety because that much grunting, gasping, huffing, and puffing would be dangerous to their health (acting as if you were chocking on a peanut is the preferred leftwing SWPL manner of debate, dontcha know?).
I've stated that there's three major problems with the whole global warming religion, chief among them being the dishonest manipulation of data and computer models. Now, since we haven't had access into the inner workings, real scientists could only guess as to what the Global Warming Shamans have used for data and models and the conclusion has been that it's bogus.
Now we know, they're actively colluding to hiding the decline.
From the horses' mouths, as it were, we now know that our suspicions have been confirmed.
How sweet and delicious is this? Even CBS reports on it. My favorite Senator will require investigations.
Basically, a computer got hacked that had the emails detailing discussions of these various hoaxsters discussing ways of hiding the decline...that is, gee why aren't things getting hotter.
There are some good wrap ups out there.
I found a nice quote to just whet the appetite.
; Plots 24 yearly maps of calibrated (PCR-infilled or not) MXD reconstructions
; of growing season temperatures. Uses "corrected" MXD - but shouldn't usually
; plot past 1960 because these will be artificially adjusted to look closer to
; the real temperatures. "
So, uh, go ahead and buy that sweater, you may still need it. more thing...
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