Monday, November 17, 2008

Did America just win the lottery and not tell me?

Really, where is all this make believe money going to come from?

I am reading up on bailout-mania.

If these idiotic ideas pass, the only realistic outcome is the complete devaluation of the American dollar. Think of Zimbabwe or Italy's problem with the Lira. There are acts of complete financial irresponsibility being considered that boggle the mind.

America became a strong, prosperous nation because we let the market work. Now, it seems that only bad ideas are being rewarded. The rest of us are beginning to feel like suckers. Why am I paying my mortgage when I may soon have more rights by not paying it?

For years, conservatives and economists have predicted that the UAW's pension funding will kill the big Three. Now, great, instead of killing that bad idea, we get to prop it up.

The solution is pain. Short and hard. Kill the gangrene, feed the living. Instead, well, we are going to tax and regulate the fuck out of any profitable business in America and let the cancer grow deeper in the rest.

I can't believe that I grew up in a country where one of the core beliefs was free trade and personal and professional responsibility has now sold out those ideals and is racing towards the bad ideas that have nearly destroyed the rest of the world. It's not like we are going full on, death camp socialism next week, but even Western Europe is waking up from the 5 decade long infatuation with the welfare state. But no, these ideas keep getting pushed on us. And, thanks to some failure on the part of America's intellectuals and opinion leaders, we are going to get a taste of all these bad ideas.

As an aside, I also wonder how "bailing" out the three American automakers affects our Free Trade Agreements with other countries. Could this also mark the dawn of a new age of protectionism? (that would be bad for way too many reasons)

Finally, my hope for change is that now with the baby tantrum party in charge of things, that they'll grow up. The loyal opposition rode Mark Foley and a host of embarrassing Republicans into power. The Democrats associated intellectual vanity with their brand label, so that voting Democrat is as much of a fashion statement (and an act of political reasoning) as choosing to wear what Vogue tells Carrie Bradshaw.

I don't think they will. All indications point to a party in control with no fucking clue how the world operates outside a hyper legalistic perspective.

Is it the end of the world as we know it?

Yes, but it turns out that that happened a long time ago.

And truth be told I blame all the usual suspects.

Bush 41 and 43 for being such inarticulate defenders of this land's source of prosperity.

Ted Kennedy for opening up the floodgates to generations of immigrants who, through no fault of their own, were enmeshed in a public school system that taught them to hate this country in the guise of multiculturalism. Add some of this blame to McCain because he wants to join in on the systematic firing of the voters. It's a neat trick in a democracy, if you find the present citizenry too "reactionary," go ahead and bring in 50 million new citizens to tip the scales the other way.

So, the culture's changed, the economy's going to change, and who knows what else.

These upcoming decisions are going change the world because America will effectively slit her wrists. The thing is, the baby tantrum party has this mushy and naive view of the world where every potential opposing super power isn't that bad. But they are. The world will not be better off with an ascending Russia or China or Iran. And what isms will replace Americanism? Well, we know there is the Mohamedism of Iran, the facsism of China, the thugism of Russia, the nanny statism of Europe, and god knows that communism and socialism are always ready to intoxicate a people's "intellectuals" with dreams of ruling over the red staters.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Hey, look. I need you to give me all your money, quit your job, and live your life according to the way I dictate.


Oh, uh...

the polar bears are dying.

Proof? proof?

Don't be a global warming denier, that's worse than Hitler. Or, worse than denying Hitler. Or something, you should be fired and shot.

Fine, you anti-science zealot, you want proof?

I have a picture of a polar bear on an ice floe. They're dying!!!!

Still not convinced?

How about this, Russia had the hottest October ever!

No, you can't look at my numbers. Really, there's no time to even question the research. You've got to act now. Give me your money, quit your job, and let me tell you in what manner you may make carbon dioxide. Yeah, I know that everything you do creates carbon dioxide and that I could potentially determine every action you take, but think of the planet. and the bears!

Fine, you are worse than Hitler, here's my data.

What? It's not scientific to replace October's data with September? The polar bears are doing fine, they like to swim for miles and dork around on ice floes? So what if I ignore satellite data and rely on thermal data from land stations that are inaccurate? I fix the data to compensate....

So, I guess you want more information before you let me tell you how to do everything?

You really are worse than Hitler.

Saturday, November 08, 2008

In the spirit of bipartisanship, I am gonna bash Maverick real quick.

First, a new nickname for old Johnny Mack, I dub him Mackerel. He got old and stinky real quick, ya know? Anyway, way to stick up for Palin. Apparently, Mackerel's campaign aides are dumping on Palin. Based on Mackerel's campaign strategy of passive blame absorption, I think he's pissed that Palin was able to rally the base and prevented a Mondale sized defeat.

For all you idiot, reflexive Palin bashers out there, remember, she actually has executive experience and was a reformer. She has more experience than Obama. She got smeared on the same things that were off limits about Obama. And, her interviews were basically ambush, quiz show affairs that were edited to make her look like an hayseed, Godbag who thought that Jesus rode a dinosaur on the way to the gunshow. On the other hand, Pinko and the Brain hid from the press in the last month of the election cycle. Also, neither of Pinko and the Brain had any tough quiz show questions asked of them. Pinko was asked more fluffy, how does it feel to be so awesome questions. The Brain? Well, the campaign just hid his ass after it turned out that every answer he gave in his debate with Palin was factually wrong.

The type of unfair press treatment Palin received could have done the exact same thing to Obama, but the media wouldn't let that happen. Hell, fair press treatment would have exposed Obama.

No biggie, aside from a baby's right to life, the right to bear arms, the right to an undiluted ballot, freedom of speech, the security of one in one's property, the property right in your 401K, and the right of privacy of a secret ballot, Obama's going to protect our rights and make some Eurotrash socialists love us.
Oh, wait, here it is. The first Jimmy Carter moment, as Obama's peanuts come home to roost. What makes this moment so heartwarming is that he hasn't even been inaugurated yet.

So, the first Great March Forward Step, mandatory student activism, has turned into his first Jimmy Carter moment. No more mandatory volunteer work.

The website has quietly been changed. Please provide your own Hope and Change joke.

Anyway, while we're on Jimmy Carter moments, the time has come for conservatives to daydream about what a hypothetical president would do to help ensure that the Obama presidency has at least some incentive to be somewhat clean. Alas, those of us Bush supporters that nonetheless bash his idiotic, turn the other cheek method of passive blame acceptance know these options will never happen. Hey, if Clinton could pardon donors on his last day of office and lower the arsenic guidelines past the point of diminishing returns so that Bush had to change them, why can't Bush do these things.

*Appoint U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of Illinois Patrick Fitzpatrick as a special prosecutor so he can pursue his investigation of Tony Rezko and his corrupt dealings with Illinois's governor and other creatures and spoilsmen of the Daley Machine. This will make it politically difficult for a President Obama to pardon Mr. Rezko and impossible for him to terminate Mr. Fitzpatrick as a federal officer come January 21 as a way of de-railing this investigation.

* Appoint a special prosecutor to investigate ACORN's voter registration methods and its dealings with the Obama campaign.

* Appoint a special prosecutor to investigate the Obama campaign's on-line fundraising operation, including its disabling of the credit card security software on its on-line donations system. File a complaint with the Federal Election Commission regarding same.

* Appoint a bipartisan (love that word!) presidential commission to review the candidates' fundraising in this election cycle and to recommend changes in federal election laws.

Would the One dare to fire "the prosecutor's prosecutor" Fitzgerald?

Friday, November 07, 2008

Ah, the smell of managing expectations.

Let's say you are a member of the Bush Derangement Syndrome community, your world view is formed by what's called the Community Based Reality. You once had a brain and formulated this thought, "if Bush loses the War on Terror, the war in Afghanistan, and/or the war in Iraq, it won't be so bad because I can use that loss to support my hatred of the president. And even if we lose-lose this war, I'll still be safe and sound here in America." Years later, all that remains of your soul is the Gollum-like repetition of various anti-war tropes.

So, you put the No Blood for Oil bumpersticker on your car, you drone on and on about Gitmo and Abu Gharib. Your only goal on earth is contrarianly opposing every action that has been taken since 2003. The surge? You brainlessly answer it's been a failure. You also push hard for Obama because he understands. His hardest decision in his life was not voting to invade Iraq...when he wasn't even in the Senate.

So, here is Newsweek, lowering expectations on Gitmo.

4 reasons why Obama most likely won't close Gitmo.

Oh well, at least Obama still supports gay marriage. what, he doesn't?!? Why did the New York Times not tell people about that until after the election? Next thing you know, they'll lay the groundwork that he won't immediately abandon Iraq. Nah, he wouldn't do that. would he?

Anyway, the media's not saying, they're just saying. You know, he's not president yet, folks, and there's only so many promises that can be kept.

Ooops, spoke too soon.

There's another category. I am a little surprised I missed this one, considering the Mouth of Damacles that is Joe Biden.

Consider that the duo of Pinko and the Brain are both gaffetastic windbags who say some of the most retarded shit out there, we have to keep track of the laugh track, whether it's Obama's 59 states, Biden's visits to Katie's Diner, or shit about the seas going down.

So, Mr. Magnanimous, the most merciful and competent, Lord Barrack Hussein Obama, finds himself in a bit of a gaffe...and decides to insult Nancy Reagan.

Well played, sir.

So, two points here.
One, Obama has no idea what he's doing. He is going to be swallowed up by his cabinet. He is going to flail about in the daily running of the government, let alone by how idiotic his ideas on America's place in the world actually are.
Two, Obama's role in the credit crisis shows that his only skill is passing the buck by asking other people to do his job for him.

It seems to me that stories like this should be categorized by the incompetence bomb about to go off in the Federal Government. Other Obama categories will be the Jimmy Carter watch as Obama regularly hinders and punishes our allies, rewards our enemies, and engages in rather wildly conceived military expeditions. A third category should deal with managing expectations. As Obama is all things to all people, it's going to be hard for him to deliver baby, virgin unicorns to everyone in the country. There are going to be some upset folks. Peggy Joseph, I believe you will still be paying for gas and for your house. Finally, a Great March Forward watch. I think the guy's a radical, so let's see what kind of changes he proposes.

So, first Great March forward Watch item:
Hey, college kids, thanks for being so annoying. Thanks for ramrodding Obama down our throats. Here's your thanks: Mandatory Community Service.
Have fun, fuckers.
One of the problems with taking a month off from blogging are that some ideas go to seed.

I was considering the other day, however, about leadership. Every presidential administration is hit by the turmoil of managing many different, high strung personalities. Generally, this is where executive experience is important. You need to manage people because your ideas, strong as you may think they are, will be executed by someone else. That is why Clinton fired all the DOJ attorneys right off the bat. Carter, Reagan, Clinton, and W all had governor backgrounds. W had a Harvard MBA and managed a sports team as well as Texas. George H.W. Bush had the CIA. Generals ran huge organizations.

Senators basically have a staff. Their work product is a vote and a law that is generally written by someone else. McCain, at least, ran several aviation units in the Navy.

Obama. Well, he has 143 days of work as a U.S. Senator. Even those few days were spend campaigning and voting present. In Chicago, he was a cog in the Daley machine before that. He claims to have had experience from running his campaign, although he had a campaign manager to actually, you know, run it. His time at the Chicago Annenburg Challenge was one where he basically handed out money. There was no work product because the kids he indoctrinated had no observable increases in their actual education. His other "community organizer" product was setting up a job bank (fail), setting up a "secondary economy (fail), and running a slum (fail).

Sidenote: It's at this point where I realized that Jesus wasn't a community organizer. Nope, Lenin was a community organizer. That's what Obama did, try to whip up the masses. But that's another post.

What does this mean for the 44th president? Well, he needs Rahm Emmanuel to keep his people in line because Obama is going to be overwhelmed. Executives can give big picture directional guidance. I don't think, however, that anything in Obama's history has prepared him for dealing with actual results based activities or dealing with other executives. You've seen people who've actually run states and armies get bogged down and betrayed by their staffs. Obama? he won't see it coming and won't know what to do about it.

Which brings me to the letter.

Obama claimed to have foreseen the Housing Crisis and its landslide impact into what he have now. That's a lie, of course. He loved sub prime loans and all the other things that were done to create this crisis.

Nonetheless, the letter he wrote is here.

Here is his leadership.

"There is grave concern in low-income communities about a potential coming wave of foreclosures. Because regulators are partly responsible for creating the environment that is leading to rising rates of home foreclosure in the subprime mortgage market, I urge you immediately to convene a homeownership preservation summit with leading mortgage lenders, investors, loan servicing organizations, consumer advocates, federal regulators and housing-related agencies to assess options for private sector responses to the challenge."

Get it? Uh, can you please do something about this so that the people who got home loans they couldn't afford don't lose their homes.

It gets better:

"The summit should consider best practice loan marketing, underwriting, and origination practices consistent with the recent (and overdue) regulators’ Proposed Statement on Subprime Mortgage Lending. The summit participants should also evaluate options for independent loan counseling, voluntary loan restructuring, limited forbearance, and other possible workout strategies. I would also urge you to facilitate a serious conversation about the following:

* What standards investors should require of lenders, particularly with regard to verification of income and assets and the underwriting of borrowers based on fully indexed and fully amortized rates.

* How to facilitate and encourage appropriate intervention by loan servicing companies at the earliest signs of borrower difficulty.

* How to support independent community-based-organizations to provide counseling and work-out services to prevent foreclosure and preserve homeownership where practical.

* How to provide more effective information disclosure and financial education to ensure that borrowers are treated fairly and that deception is never a source of competitive advantage.

* How to adopt principles of fair competition that promote affordability, transparency, non-discrimination, genuine consumer value, and competitive returns.

* How to ensure adequate liquidity across all mortgage markets without exacerbating consumer and housing market vulnerability."

So, yeah, the lending industry was torn apart by people like Obama who forced banks to loan money to risky borrowers in the name of affordable housing. These loans are now decried by people like Obama as "predatory lending." Nonetheless, Obama looks past the damage to the financial sector done by FF/MM in packaging these risky loans into AAA rated MBS's guaranteed by the under capitalized FF/MM.

And also note, that he wanted to help community based organizations (i.e., ACORN) profit from the mess. Also, he wanted to figure out how to make the borrowers have an easier time not paying back their mortgages. That's the solution he had. You and me, homeowners that actually work and pay our bills on time, we're just a bunch of suckers.

Nope, his concern is keeping every one's villains, the idiots who got subprime loans when they couldn't afford them in their houses. Maverick and W both tried to actually fix the problem. Obama wants Bernanke to, uh, convene a summit to figure out how to give poor people more of your money. A job of a Senator is to do things like the things he wants someone else to do. Senators write laws. They hold hearings. They hopefully foresee and solve problems.

Obama simply wrote a letter to Santa Clause and addressed it to the guy who oversees the American money supply. AND IT MISSED THE WHOLE POINT OF THE CRISIS. The crisis was the cancer that these loans were. They killed the AAA rating of the MBS holding them, causing -under current idiotic mark to market laws- the inability of institutions holding these items from using them as valuations in their liquidity.

I wish that Bernanke sent the following reply:

"Dear Senator Obama,

After much research and deliberation, we have come up with the following response to your wishlist, fantasy, extortion letter:

Tell your deadbeat constituents to get jobs and pay their bills.

Thank you,

people who actually worked for a living."

(all my links and formatting got shot to hell, so imagine that this post looks nice and has links to cool stuff)

Thursday, November 06, 2008

Some thoughts from the Great One on where do we go? What of our values? What of the Republic? Hmm, the parallels to a nascent Jimmy Carter presidency are just screaming at you, aren't they?

Well, actually, I do have a post election admission on how Bush failed to respect our fundamental rights: he allowed his department of justice to basically look the other way to massive levels of voter fraud. In addition, his lax attitude towards illegal immigration led to even more voter fraud by persons who weren't even citizens to begin with. Oh, and his administration looked the other way when Saint Obama turned off the address verification system for his credit card contributors. So, I.P. Freely and Joe Stalin along with Mickey Mouse were able to dump millions of dollars of contributions into Obama's war chest. McCain, of course, was too busy magnanimously working on his concession speech to raise any real objections to any of these things.

So, the story of Tan Nguyen is one example where attempts to stop voter fraud is prosecuted as voter suppression. Similar arguments were made throughout the country. The Ohio Secretary of State said the same things as she declined to vet incoming votes.

So, is avoiding voter fraud a fundamental right? Is it a bad thing only when you disagree with it? Doesn't a fraudulent vote cancel out your vote? Doesn't that suppress your vote? So, was Obama aiding and abetting disenfranchisement of unknown number of voters across the country.

Do you think the Obama administration is going to make stopping organized (i.e., ACORN enabled) voter fraud a priority? Is that RICO suit likely to stayopen?

I don't think that ACORN's registration of the Dallas Cowboys and Mickey Mouse, Obama campaigners voting in Ohio and in their homestate, college kids doing the same, or idiot Philadelphians who admit to voting twice on CNN added up to Obama's popular vote margin. However, there are several states that were close. There are congressmen and Senators who lost close races. And they lost because of this voter fraud.

ACORN, with their millions of fradulent voters needed to be hit with a RICO suit back in 2000. Obama should have at least been forced to operate within the law during his campaign. Instead, he gave them $800,000.

I guess right and wrong does not matter to some people.
A further discussion of Obama's respect for "our rights" continued.

As a disciple of Saul Alinsky, we've seen the tactics espoused by Rules for Radicals in the current campaign, and we will see them used in Obama's administration. These examples are not that outlanding, the Bush 43 White House had many DOJ prosecutors who have already used these tactics. Now this is not a criticism about Bush being Hitler, blah blah blah, it's more of a criticism that he kept aboard DOJ lawyers who were apt to go after the wrong people. He should have fired everyone when he came in. But, dipshit decided to be magnanimous and keep those thug Clinton lawyers in the stable.

This article provides some more insight. As I said, what is chilling is that you can come up with examples of how this stuff has already been used in the recent election cycle.

"Watch what Michael Barone called the Obama "thugocracy" use the Justice Department to stifle dissent. Anybody who complains about vote fraud will be charged with "vote suppression." Anybody who complains about DoJ's actions will be charged with interfering with an investigation. Anybody who denies having interfered will be charged with perjury. Likewise, anybody who peacefully protests abortion clinics or the use of state-sponsored racial quotas will be charged with a civil rights violation."

Tan Nguyen was investigated and bankrupted for "vote suppression" because his campaign issued a letter warning illegals not to vote. Similar threats were (I witnessed this) made again poll watchers in 2004 warning them of the liklihood of jail time for "vote suppression," by asking for IDs. Of course, stopping fradulent voting isn't a priority, especially by Obama voters in swing states. From CNN, "It's time for change, man," Jones said. He complained about the long lines and said that "I decided to come back and vote a couple times." "I think that's against the law, but it's okay, all right. Well, thanks, Ron,"

We already saw how Jack Ryan and Joe the Plumber learned about the "Chicago Way."

Of course, all you Ozombies who voted for Hope and Change and for Obama to pay for your gas and mortgage, and to make the world love us knew all this stuff already. You've mindlessly repeated stuff about Bush rewriting the bill of rights or something because he maintained that the executive had commander in chief powers to spy on our enemies, including phone calls between people in America and known overseas Al Qaeda operatives.

Second, the recently uncovered 2001 interview of Obama illustrates what he means by change, Change is wealth redistribution. So, what is hope? Meh, that's a just a meaningless phrase used to hypnotize the gullible, suckers.

I think that there was a tendency to lose track of the political and community organizing and activities on the ground that are able to put together the actual coalitions of power through which you bring about redistributed change and in some ways we still suffer from that. "

Ah, yes, redistribution. That sort of goes against a fundemental liberty: the security in one's possessions. At least Europe loves us now, right?

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Obama Win Causes Obsessive Supporters To Realize How Empty Their Lives Are

Just a little fun as I formulate my thoughts on internecine retribution.

Hey, if Maverick is so magnanimous to take the blame of the credit crisis because to actually "fight for us," wouldn't fit into his ideas of gentlemanly politicking, then no wonder he had such a well polished concession speech.

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Four years ago, I was acting as a poll observer, election peon for a major political party.

About this time in the evening, the great Kerry victory celebration got put on hold as an associate's palm pilot brought up the Drudge Report. The pre-vote polls were wrong. The exit polls were wrong. All of the sudden, states were going to W.

This time, Maverick's GOTV effort is more, ah, how you say? virtual. Nonetheless, interesting time in the election day.

Monday, November 03, 2008

The failed policies of the past, like not outright bankrupting major portions of the American economy such as coal (how will that affect your energy bills, suckers?), have apparently been embraced as somehow being hopey and changey.

I noticed a comment about the election that is three flavors of wrong and I figured I may as well end the suspense by declaring that this blog is officially endorsing McCain.

I have my nose-plugs. But then again, McCain, Maverick he may be, is a patriot and someone who has done more in his life for this nation than many have been called upon to do. Another person pointed out that McCain may have been born privilege, but he has served. The story of his confinement alone gives many people feel-good notions about what kind of guy he is. Look, I would have blabbed. I would have taken the early exit. He also, has commanded units, he learned to fly planes. He got himself elected to Congress, first in the house and then to the Senate. He managed to become more than an anonymous law maker who existed merely to vote along with whatever legislation it is that was being pushed down the sausage factory.

On the other hand, Obama may not have been born to an admiral, but he has had a fast and easy rise. His hardest moment of government service was voting against the Iraq war. Only, you know, he was still dog catcher in the Daley political machine in Chicago. He has never served this country. I doubt he was a boy scout. I doubt he ever socially met a patriot until he got to DC in 2004. And, he is a straight party line, reliable vote producer. No, ah yes, what's the word, intellectual curiosity on his part.

And another problem with the One is that no one knows anything about the Obozo. A comment to this blog posted that " that they [ayers and obama] aren't friends, and he isn't an influence on Obama. That's kinda the sticking point that ruins the argument" I found this sort of interesting study of the half-life of whatever it is Ozero says. Well, which answer is it, ya know?

This blog is a very good starting point in connecting the dots.

Let's talk about Obama's influences. The man has been surrounded by socialist and anti-American influences his entire life. Dad was one. His preacher seems to be at least a black liberation theology version of one. He worked with ACORN and Ayers and other agitation types in the Chicago Annenberg Challenge (the CAC). The CAC was billed as an education initiative, but it was really a political indoctrination effort. Kids weren't taught to read, write, add, or subtract, but to be pissed off at America. These kids were taught to become political activists in the Alinksy view of the country.

Ayers was and is an influence on Obama. Ayers helped launched his career. They worked together. Hell, some egghead semiotics experts think that Ayers helped Obama write his two books.

So, since time is short and I have goofed off on collecting links to everything I have read in the past two months, let summarize it:

Obama’s economic policies are insane. His economic advisors are academic socialist types. That is, instead of following a Friedman, Laffer, or Greenspan model of the economy, he has chosen Krugmanesque insanity. America needs business friendly laws, not institutional anti-business bias. Unless, you are already independently wealthy (i.e., a democrat) or you live and work in an area or field that does not rely on “businesses” to sell you things or pay you money.

His tax policy is Earned Income Tax Credit hijinks, where non-tax payers get refunds for money they didn’t pay. He will let the current tax rates expire, raising everyone’s rates.

As far as foreign policy goes, Obama has shown a consistent anti-American preference in his world view. I am going to say that this is a return to Jimmy Carter’s ineffectual and reflexively passive foreign policy. I found this awesome quote today from a hostage from Iran:

“The day that Carter was defeated, one of the "students" couldn't wait to come into our cell to tell us. Another Marine said, "You mean Reagan won?!?!" "Yes." he said with a big humus-eating grin. The other Marine and I looked at each other and said "Oooooooooooooooo" (the international sound for 'You are so %^(k#> dude!') The student asked what the problem was at which point the other Marine walked right up to his face and made an explosion noise while miming a mushroom cloud with his hands.”

I just had to throw that in there. Iran is still a problem today. Note that in Iraq, Obama’s policy preference was to cut and run. He opposed the surge. I am willing to bet that he wasn’t even that crazy about going into Afghanistan. After all, attacks on America are merely blowback from our evil foreign policies. You’ve heard the tapes of his chosen preacher give his week of 9-11 sermons, right?

We also have this comment “Obama has the ability to do more to strengthen the cohesiveness of the country and the view the international community has of the US. And for me, I always prefer a president who believes in my civil rights and doesn't believe in taking rights away -- or pushing his or her religious views on me as a citizen. The US needs a government it can trust. Remains to be seen if Obama can do that, but I'm wagering he can do it better than a McCain/Palin administration."

Ok, well, I don't know where to start, let's talk about Joe the Plumber. Or about Jack Ryan. Some part of the Chicago political machine release Ryan’s sealed divorce papers, embarrassing him (apparently he liked to have sex with Jerri Ryan) into resigning his campaign run, leaving State Senator Obama virtually unopposed. Or Joe the Plumber, gets his tax leins and other issues exposed. Yup, you, average citizen, will be liable for a public rectal reaming should you publicly oppose the One.

What about that first amendment? He won’t veto a return of the Fairness Doctrine. Now, everyone except talk radio will be free to be unfair, but only conservative types will be silenced.

God knows, what he plans to do about guns, but I doubt Obama is a strong second amendment sort.

I have a few friends who are single issue voters. They are big into killing babies and/or into gay marriage. Well, my initial suspicions about Rev. Wright were that his church had no love for bro on bro love. It turns out that that is true and that Obama shares that view. No gay marriage for you under Obama. Actually, who knows?

As for baby killing, yes, Obama believes that a woman’s right to kill outweighs a baby’s right to live. In fact, he has gone South Park and supported post birth denial of care for unwanted babies. He lied and said he didn’t, but the analysis says he did. So, yes, if you really really really want to terminate unwanted people (except for felons), Obama is your guy. On the other hand, maybe you could focus on the things that the President actually has power over instead of worry about a primarily legislative issue.

On the issue of adopting Mexico. Yes, Maverick and the One agree. It’s time to bring em all in. No English, no respect for America, no understanding of our traditions, no problem.

Obama goes even further with his Global Poverty Initiative which basically adopts everyone else in the world who isn’t already here illegally. Mo money! It’s cool, the government will just print more.

I won’t even get started on the hidden efforts to nationalize your 401k.