Anyway, first things first, Happy Cinco de Cuatro.
Second, if you voted for Obama, you are a moron. You are an example of why the franchise should be extended to people who actually take this stuff seriously. (hint: this group of lovely ladies voted for Obama by 70 to 29 percent margin)
I remember, before the election, I would tell my friends why I wasn't going to vote for Obama. Point number one, the guy's a communist. When I said that, these people would act like they were choking on a peanut (the giggle, as I call it, is liberal argumentative technique number 3). Well, here we are, 100 or so days into the new era and contract law no longer exists. And those bond holders who dare try to enforce their rights are threatened. ACORN, the organized crime wing of the Democrat party is out threatening home owners, bond holders, and executives.
And, the bailouts, the TARPS, the creditor line jumping. These actions all seem to be favoring political friends of Obama. How is it that the UAW jumped the line?
So, yeah, to quote Megan McCardle:
"This kind of blatant political intervention between debt claims is unprecedented, and worse, it's a dress rehearsal for doing the same thing at GM. I don't think this is good for the rule of law, I'm pretty sure it will be bad for capital markets, and I'm nearly positive it's going to make it hard for any heavily unionized company to get substantial capital for the next decade."
What she wrote, simpleton, is that noone lends their money to people, corporations, or countries that pull this bullshit. This is bad because that money will go to countries that respect the rule of law and let a man keep what he's earned. You know, free countries. Countries that have decent standards of living. (Or to paraphrase Chris Rock, don't worry, contract law is for rich people)
Or, to put it another way, why the hell are you plunking money in your 401K? It no longer matters. You are a speculator. You are last in line, rich person.
Institutions May Panic and Entirely Agree that Contracts Have Overwhelmingly Been Abused and Mangled Agressively.
There is a video of Uncle Bill, before the 2006 elections joking that the Republicans would have you believe that if you voted for democrats, you'd be tripping over illegal immigrants as they socialized the country. Well, one for two right now. Not even baby steps. This Congress and this President have gone and raced bills through congress. So much for the moderation, so much for reading the budget line by line. Here's what we get:
Yes, I know. look at 2003. Whoopee, we had a war and shit. 2005 we had Katrina. Let's look at another:

It's a big joke. This next chart may explain another problem with the firm chart:

For everyone else, realize that, basically, we let the dumbest woman in the world
and the most overrated person in the world
write laws that spend money like it really, really doesn't matter. Oh, and now, American corporations, American investors, and Tax Payers are getting hosed. And where are all my uptown girls and concerned citizens now, with their, "what happens when China stops buying our debt concerns?"
But, the joke is on you. You, the Obama voter, you are a moron. Why bother learning about a candidate before you vote for him. Surely the man who goes to a "church," where Sptemeber 12, 2001 is marked with "Goddamn America," will look out for your interests. A man who believes, point in fact, in redistribution of wealth, will leave your taxes, savings, and job alone. Surely, Bill Ayer's friend is the guy for you. Surely, the guy who lied about his positions, past, and acted politically expediently at all times would be straight with you when he promised to go through the budget line by line, no pork, 5-days before signing bills, no jobs for lobbyists, ethical administration, executive signing statements, and so on.
I just had to get that out of the way. Things not discussed here, that should be discussed shortly include:
whither Keynesianism
an itemized Obama resume (what did he do at the Harvard Law Review anyway?)
the cyclical nature of capitlism versus the stagnant and dying nature of socialism
the upcoming social security implosion
your upcoming tax hikes
the upcoming inflation
the effect of America's corporate tax rate (or rather, why are foreign companies buying our companies instead of vice versa).
whither the uptown girl, the SWPL, and other pieces of trash.
Why this is all Bush's fault (oh wait, I wrote that several times in October)
and finally, how Pelosi adopted eugenics (or is this ZPG?) as the position of the democrat party
But right now, I just have to savor the moment. Moron.
Ok, moment over. The upshot of all this is that we already know where these policies lead. You may recall another messianic liberal who took a recession and turned it into the Great Depression. The question is, are you going to be patriotic enough to sit the next 30 years of your life through that? It's a deep question, for those that can actually think.
Some other things:
I was glad to see that last year gave us the only known, visible acknowledgement of media bias. Yes, 2008 was a special year. For one brief shining moment, we had this:
Oh, I discovered this new toy called Guitar Hero and RockBand. Which makes me realize that Death Magnetic is basically just school. guitar school. Listen and weep, all lesser guitarists.
Guns and Roses. Bravo. An album with maybe 8 awesome songs and 2 unlistenable songs. Another guitar clinic as well.
You know, people do dumb things. Sometime dumb things illustrate their world view, things like this (he knew and he didn't care and he didn't realize it would be a big deal):
yep, the thoughtlessness reminds me of some other tone deaf dolt:
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