Friday, May 08, 2009

Another Offensive to Feminists Post

in honor of

The Other McCain: National Offend A Feminist Week

The dating scene, a conversation. It's all about tone.

me: blah blah blah.

her: you know, in college, I was anorexic.

me: That's hot.

her: I know.

How did this date go? How did this conversation sound?

The Lifetime, television for women version would play it like this:

me: blah blah blah. (another boring man, is he dangerous, will he steal my children, will he *gasp* sexually harass me!)(but I need a man because the world is stacked against us)

her: you know, in college, I was anorexic. (I am sharing a delicate personal moment, please connect with me, on a personal-emotional-supportive level)

me: That's hot. (pig, obvious frat boy, boozehound skirt chaser. may steal baby)

her: I know. (offended sarcasm)

result: stopped returning phone calls. long long shower, sobbing to herself in fetal position.

the lesser male's version

me: blah blah blah. (I really think Obama can really make a change for the better, I really care what Europe thinks about us)

her: you know, in college, I was anorexic. (let's talk about me, dolt)

me: That's hot. (sarcastic)

her: I know. (clipped)

result: date ends, she calls another guy for more drinks.

What really happened

me: blah blah blah. (my hand was on her hip, thumb on her stomach, her laughing at my jokes)

her: you know, in college, I was anorexic. (making eye contact)

me: That's hot. (off hand, but knowing)

her: I know. (happy and confident)

result: further dates.

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