Monday, September 29, 2008

Two weeks?

That's what happens when you can guide a missile by satellite, you lose track of the little people..

Anyway, every day, my financial analysis blog post gets a page longer in my head as events go faster and faster.

So, here is today's smartest thing ever said: "We paid $1 trillion to avoid being socialized. We can make the money back. We damn well know that structural changes could be forever."

Aside from that, on various blogs and to various conservatives, I have been pounding the following points for at least a week. McCain and/or Bush need to get ahead of this thing. They needed to put the blame squarely on Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac (FFMM). They needed to establish that this was not a failure of the mythical unregulated free market, but a result of a blatantly corrupt, unregulated government sponsored enterprise that protected its corruption by making political contributions.

But, McCain and Bush are just too lad-di-dah sweet and non-partisan to actually defend themselves and now they have ended up wearing this mess.

Some people suggest that they held their tongues to be problem solvers. That idea is stupid because the debate is now framed. Forget ACORN, FFMM, CDMA, and at least 17 attempts since 2001 to fix this shit. The moonbats have their meme...damn you Bush!

So, I have a topic label entitled why won't this country hurry up and explode so I can blame it on Bush? Well, the country took a big hit, it's not exploded, but I guess if you predict rain for 7 years, you can eventually take credit for rain, right?

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