No, I am not talking about the good feelings and lead in the polls that Governor Palin has brought to the Maverick/Barracuda ticket. I am talking about the insane mania that Palin has brought to the cocooned media and the insane left...but those categories are redundant.
First off, I would like to blog about Palin the governor, her fast rise, her accomplishments and the things I find positive about her. But instead, I have to lay some ground rules. After a year of Saint Obama, I just hope that my side doesn't do the same with her. She's good. Got it. I am at least comforted that the sort of mush minded thought processes that made Senator Uh from Ill-uh-noise into a demi-god doesn't occur on our side.
No, instead I am going to write about how upset I am. Yes. Fucking pissed off. The treatment of Palin has gone from slanderous to simply the worst shit I have had to sit through in years. And I've had to sit through the rise of Alinsky disciple (Alinsky BTW dedicated his book Rules for Radicals to Satan) Hopey McChangealot and just wonder if I am living in Gotham city and Raz Al Guhl has put his crazy dust in the air and I am the only person who was inoculated.
This post is about "Jesus was a community organizer and Pilate was a governor."
What the fucking fuck? I mean seriously, what the fucking fuck? No, seriously, are you fucking kidding me? What? What?!?!
The first time I heard that phrase, I gamefuly played along, I thought to myself, "No, Jesus was handed over to the community organizers after Pilate washed his hands."
But then, the more I heard this idiotic mantra repeated, the more the sheer idiocy of it struck me.
First, you are insulting my intellect.
I can't believe that this passes for a thought in the "reality based community." Who is supposed to be persuaded by that line? Seriously, does the Obama camp believe that someone who cares about things like Jesus would say, "oh yeah, now that you mention it..."
No, this line has zero capacity to persuade. Instead, it's a feel good throwaway line by clueless anti-religious types. Why do I say anti-religious types? Because only someone who does not have the slightest care about religion, or at least Christian theology, would say such a thing.
Nonetheless, let's game this out, what is the point of this quip?
Is Obama Jesus? No, his supporters say, we're just saying...
Is Palin supposed to be Pontius Pilate? Er, no, his supporters say, we don't think so.
What? Are governors bad? No, they say, it's just that Community Organizers do things like help people who the politicians have screwed.
Uh, what does that mean? Well, you see, uh...
Aren't these people living in a democrat state run by democrats and didn't they work in a plant that was run by democrat machine union types? I think you're being racist by your negative implications about Community Organizers!
Didn't Obama say that he had to prove that he was, ah, hued enough to get that job? Yes, but he only said it when he didn't think it would matter.
Ok, so here we go. No, Obama is not Jesus, nor is he like Jesus. Palin is not like Pilate.
And also, apparently, executive experience is a negative because, uh, Obama doesn't have any. No, seriously, what are they saying, that yeah sure Palin rose fast, changed things up, and governed based on a clear set of principles but you know, uh, that is where the thought process ends. Pilate was a governor. That's it that's all the intellect we have to fight back with.
All you are left with is a shell of an insult, an insult that is repeated because the teller of that insult believes that religious types will be so duped by anything with Jesus in it that they'll flush their brains down the toilet. It's empty, it's insulting to it's intended audience, and it makes no sense.
Oh, so let's get insulted by the religious aspect.
Fuck you, Obama, you are not Jesus. How about that? Pretty cut and dried. Jesus delivered the word of God, gave his life so that we can be forgiven for our sins, and various other theological points. Obama worked as hired muscle for Chicago machine politics. He studied under Alinsky. He went to hate monger Rev. Wright's church. He chills with terrorists.
A little research on Obie's actual job:
"First, he got community members to demand a job center that would provide job referrals, but there were few jobs to distribute. Then, he tried to create what he called a "second-level consumer economy" in Roseland consisting of shops, restaurants, and theaters. This, too, went nowhere."
Ah, but then "what we could do was begin to improve basic services at Altgeld--get the toilets fixed, the heaters working, the windows repaired."
There you go. It sounds more like the Mario Bros. were Community Organizers.
One of the fifteen different things that now piss me off about Obama is that he seems to buy into his own messianic propaganda.
Ugh, disgusting.
Third, there's the mindless repetition.
This closely mirrors my first point but the distinction is that this stupid ass meme has grown from a blog post to a fully grown talking point mouthed by Donna Brazille. It's a stupid idea from a stupid campaign that thinks that by belittling executive experience, their candidate's complete lack of accomplishment can be spun away.
It's creepy and it highlights the symbiotic ties between Obama and the media.
Sorry, the outright lying and media framing of this woman is outrageous. It's also amazing that Obama could get by scott free when nearly every charge against Palin goes 10 times worse for him.
Palin being portrayed as a talking in tongues bible thumper while mentioning Rev. Wright is a no-no.
Fantasizing about her husband's so called secessionist fervor while ignoring bomber Bill Ayers.
Maybe actual problem solving doesn't count as intellectual curiosity, but it demonstrates the ability to achieve and lead. This woman rose fast but she has accomplished reform and has governed during that time. Obama's rise from the swamps of Chicago machine politics and his failed efforts as an organizer show the opposite.
A little wandering off the main point of this post because this is not a compare and contrast between the two because Maverick is who Obama is running against, but I would vote for Palin over Obama for president too. Obama is awful in every sense of the word. No, I am ticked because the sliming of Palin has gone mainstream. It was one thing when insane bloggers question the parentage of hey youngest child, but now ABC decides to simply change her words to make her sound crazy and uninformed.
The part of the interview that struck me was when she called out Gibson on his dead lie about her "exact words." She called him on it. He maintained. She said, well, I was paraphrasing a lincoln speech. ABC cut the exchange to make it appear that she agreed with Gibson.
GIBSON: You said recently, in your old church, "Our national leaders are sending U.S. soldiers on a task that is from God."
PALIN: You know, I don't know if that was my exact quote.
GIBSON: Exact words.
PALIN: But the reference there is a repeat of Abraham Lincoln's words when he said -- first, he suggested never presume to know what God's will is, and I would never presume to know God's will or to speak God's words.
Oh and then, the Russia thing, where her comments about the basic idea of what to do if a member of NATO were invaded was twisted into some sort of warmongerish bloodlust instead of :
Asked whether the United States would have to go to war with Russia if it invaded Georgia, and the country was part of NATO, Palin said: “Perhaps so.”
“I mean, that is the agreement when you are a NATO ally, is if another country is attacked, you’re going to be expected to be called upon and help,” she said.
Grow Up Media, please? I wish I could do more, I don't buy your papers, I don't watch your tv shows. All I can do is give money to these people so that maybe they can win despite your lies.
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