Is there anything it can't do?
And on a related thought, Jeeze...maybe we are all a bunch of dumb animals.
So get this scenario, Bob meets Betty in their early 20's. Betty is on the pill. They fuck for a while and get married. Betty goes off the pill to get pregnant. Next thing you know, they're divorced. Or, another couple goes off the pill to take life to the next level, etc. They break up. Possibly weeks before a wedding.
When I've dated girls that keep in contact with their college friends, they all say how their friend's first round of marriages are ending in divorce.
Was it shacking up that led to an easy come, easy go relationship? What I would call fucking your roommate, letting your lease dictate your relationship?
Nah, it's much more sinister. The pill changes a girl's taste in men.
Recent research provides this insight:
The research backs up an earlier study of how women’s perceptions of partners can alter when taking the Pill. Psychologists from St Andrews and Stirling universities found that women on the Pill tend to prefer macho types with strong jaw lines and prominent cheekbones. Guys who can bench press nearly one and a half times their body weight, for example.
However, women who are not taking that form of contraception seem to be more likely to go for more sensitive types of men without traditionally masculine features. Men who are more rat-like in appearance, almost eerily feminine in their movements, careers, voice, and other things most scientists found too revolting to investigate.
So, uh, what does this mean? Does God have a sense of humor? Or are we a bunch of monkeys chasing phernomes.
Well, this stuff just sticks in my brain. Think about it. A girl goes off the pill, decides that what she has isn't what she wants, so she gets what she wants now, that being something that she didn't want earlier.
(Sorry, I love the PotC writing style, go Sparrow!)
Anyway, that thing that she didn't want but now does want will become the thing that she doesn't want when she gets what she wants? Get it? The pill makes your body think that it's preggers. When you're pregnant, your hormones think you're on the pill. So, assuming that the new guy can get the old girl pregnant, she goes back to what she did want before she wanted what she wants recently, but now she's back to being the way she was when she wanted things like she wanted them then.
Only, she doesn't know. She just changes, and is back to feeling the way she felt before she stopped feeling that way, that way being something that sneaks up on her. So, all I am saying is that these girls with their hormones, yeah, they obviously change what they want, but you knock their ass up, then they may change again. But in new ways, obviously. But only for a while. But shit, things can change in a weekend, if there's a coworker or a friend's friend around. So, for 9 months, everyone would be a suspect.
Here I was, sitting so smugly thinking that "oh those poor girls with their hormones." Well, I don't know if I was smug, but I was sitting. But it dawned on me, uh there are lots of dudes taking their own hormone supplement, a hormone supplement that has the effect of countering certain testosterone byproducts. Yup, propecia is a hormone.
A semi-estrogen one if I remember correctly. I wonder if the men who take that pill have altered tastes. How would that work? Well, the cool thing is is that men are pretty much on propecia for life.
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