Is it too soon? Too soon to reflect on the passing of a selfish, ignoble jackass whose life was an example of projection and self-immolation?

Yup. I waited a day. I think.

Fuck. Ted. Kennedy.

It's one of those weird things about this guy is that the more you learn about him, the worse of a person he was.

Let's see, caught cheating at Harvard? Check

Led police on car chases? Check

Killed a
girl? Check

Kinda sorta used his power and wealth to bed and harass the ladies? Checkity check check

Pink bellied, socialist scum sucked who hated this country? uh yeah

Shameless, robotic, partisan hack. That's his middle name

Does he like to drink? Is the Pope catholic?

Tried to redeem himself by spending other people's money, thereby continuing the leftist delusion that wealth redistribution is a good thing? See above, he's as red as they come.

Did he commit
treason? Does offering the premier of the Soviet Union thwart the West's cold war strategy count? Then yes.

Was he, without fail, an advocate for America's enemies...except when politically expedient. Yes, and Uncle Bills says thanks for helping wag that dog.

Did he change the landscape of American politics by Borking Bork and High tech lyching Thomas? You betcha.

Did he enact immigration reforms that in essence were attempts to fire the American voter? Si su perde.

As Andrew Breitbart put it, this isn't a political whack a doo. This a corrupt, vile Jabba the Hutt type gangster putting on airs of civility. Fuck him.
Oh, the Brits don't care...love that they pulled this out of the memory hole.

quote "
Irish support: Kennedy with Sinn Fein's Gerry Adams - for years the Democrat was seen as a cheerleader for American Irish supporters of the IRA"
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