The Obama's were deciding on a dog to get and *get this* their choices finalized to three and Obama advisor Axelrod broke it down quite wittily:
“I was only called in for the final three, and one was Miss California.”

How about this gut buster from David Letterman...Sara Palin dresses like a slutty flight attendant.
Want a cherry on top of that sundae?
Arod knocked up her 14 year old daughter during the seventh inning stretch.
Truly, it is demonstrated day after day that the left possesses not only the most compassionate souls and keen intellect, but immense comedic talent. That's why leftist geniuses like Margaret Cho are constantly foisted on us...for our own good...if only we could grasp it!
Allow me to retort...and steal Ace of Spades' idea entirely.

David Letterman finally knocked up his ugly, slutty babymomma who looks like a slutty ugly female Bill Paxton. Dayam, am I funny or what? Oh wait, no, the left, as they fight with barbed wire and knives drawn are quick to pull the shocked gasp of a victorian matriarch...why I never! Have you no decency, sir?

So, now, Palin quit her office. Apparently, the full on hate fest from the festering leftwing's vile soul is enough to drive people to simply submit and seek peace. Then again, maybe the woman deserved having Andrew Sullivan spend a year or so discussing who actually gave birth to Trig Palin. Maybe even hockey mom can have enough. Maybe running up half a million in legal bills shooting down baseless ethics complaints (I mean so what if she fired an inspector general who was sniffing up a dear friend's racket...oh wait, that's the thug from Chicago...Palin was accused of holding a fish).
I mean come on! Anyone who dares to believe that they are as qualified as "slow" Joe Biden to be Veep must be destroyed! right? She should be punched in the throat. or the face.
A good parting shot was the threat of massive libel suits. It seems that the left can't get a clue and assumes another "scandal." They live in their own bubble where only their own biases are assumed. So, here's a clue...there's no FBI investigation. I wonder if any sane person would, in a libel suit, not find actual malice towards Sara on the part of these slanderers?
To the extent several websites, most notably liberal Alaska blogger Shannyn Moore, are now claiming as “fact” that Governor Palin resigned because she is “under federal investigation” for embezzlement or other criminal wrongdoing, we will be exploring legal options this week to address such defamation. This is to provide notice to Ms. Moore, and those who re-publish the defamation, such as Huffington Post, MSNBC, the New York Times and The Washington Post, that the Palins will not allow them to propagate defamatory material without answering to this in a court of law. The Alaska Constitution protects the right of free speech, while simultaneously holding those “responsible for the abuse of that right.” Alaska Constitution Art. I, Sec. 5. These falsehoods abuse the right to free speech; continuing to publish these falsehoods of criminal activity is reckless, done without any regard for the truth, and is actionable.
What scum. I hope she gets revenge...bloody, legal, expensive revenge.
Oh, and let's not forget to heap scorn on the feminists, the same gals who kinda sorta supported the Taliban and Saddam Hussein not because their ultimate goal is the destruction of capitalism and therefore the moral underpinnings of America, but because, you know the bikini is worse than the burka. Also, let's not forget that Palin isn't a woman, she's a republican. The same mindfucked minds that supported Clinton over all his women problems.
And it's really quite pathetic the true reasons for this hatred. She dared mock the mockable Obama. She didn't abort her kids. She hasn't left her husband. Her husband is kinda hot. She's kinda hot. She has about five times more kids than the average DC SWPL uptown girl and guy will have in their life.

And, she doesn't appear to be hitting the wall. How dare she!
And this reminds me of why I stopped doing a lot of things...things with my money and time. I don't watch TV shows that support this frame of mind, I don't buy records that support this shit, or go to movies that regurgitate it. Punish the entertainment class for the classlessness. Stop watching Letterman...hell try to get his gap toothed ass fired. So, CNN, Wash Post, NYT's, eat shit and won't get my money for your crap. James Bond's Daniel Craig thinks we should vote for Obama...oops I forgot to see Quantum (loved Steyn's take on this, McCain lived the Bond lifestyle, while Obama sat in comfort, but Obama best represents the Bond ideal? what???). Meanwhile, I was conflicted over whether ignorant


Megan Fox's

against the good people of fly-over country would lead me to skip Transformers's actually anti-Obama...I am there dudes! You shall be rewarded! Same with Taken...partiarchal porn AND revenge porn? Dudes...Liam gets my money.
Speaking of which, I do love going to movies..but so much recent shit has been pure leftwing masterbation. The recent Russel Crowe movie for example, no, sorry, depictions of reporters as hardworking souls who actually do reporting? Instead of rereading DNC talking points? Heartless, nameless corporations killing people for fun and profit? Please. Get bent. Not a dime! There must be some sort of cottage industry in Hollywood where your idiotic leftist fantasy gets made and you, an ignorant stupid rich person, get to lose $80 million doing it.
The same with GM and their union thugs (the DNC's other other organized crime wing). You want to institute socialism in America? Fuck you...I wouldn't give you a dime.
So yeah, eventually, people like Letterman will feel pain for their comments. Whether he gets his ass fired, he loses ratings, or I cal his wife a slutty Bill Paxton to his face, maybe the only way to restore manners is the cowboy way and not turning the other cheek.
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