Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Yeah, instead. I did Yoga-X tonight.
I reset the P90X routine to make my day off to fall on Friday.
The upshot is that I had a double arm workout week. The thing is is that I am almost as strong arm-wise as the workout group on the dvd.
That and the fact that my max bench is falling has led me to try to sneak in a real arm and chest workout in on the slow P90X days.
Today was Yoga. I was impressed. I managed to hit the crane for a few seconds. The yoga mat made all the difference. Wow.
I also hit the old bench press. This stupid push up based work out has whittled down my max to about 275. So, that is something else I have to add in to my routine.
I just wish I could diet more to make this whole system more effective, along with the phase I diet advocated with the dvds.

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