Wednesday, March 31, 2010

A friend posted a whiny, chin-scratchy, lefty pointlet:

"Liberal or conservative, I think we can all agree what this country doesn't need is more hate groups."

Uh huh, get it? Now, the left cares about hate. Well, obviously, this is a media construct to obfuscate that the DNC rammed through a shitty bill that was signed by their shitty president and now hoi polloi are upset.

But fine...

Why not get the libs to clean up their hate groups. We can ask why Eric Holder dropped the convictions of those black panther members who harassed voters in Philly. We can stop ACORN from "reclaiming" foreclosed houses in Baltimore. We can have the president stop sending SEIU union thugs to houses of CEO's to intimidate them into accepting his policies. We can start prosecuting environmentalist whackos who bomb labs, spike trees, assault people who wear fur, and destroy cars and houses. Also, how about actually punishing all those WTO and World Bank and IMF protesters when they smash windows and burn cars?

Second, we can ask the media to actually report on these things instead of trying to smear the ordinary Americans in Tea Parties as racists or by calling them wink-wink-nudge-nudge tea baggers.

So, if a Democrat legislator is going to lie and say a coffin was left on his yard when in reality it was prop in a prayer vigil, the media should call him on his false statements.

If a video shows that an alleged racial spitting incident was a case of accidental "say it, don't spray it," and a black congressman who habitually calls his opponents racist falsely says he heard racial slurs, then surely the media should call him on that.

Indeed, Breitbart is offering cash money for proof otherwise. So, find the video and pay some bills.

But, no, there's an agenda and I guess the dying Wash Post and CNN's of the world will continue playing out these lies in service of the administration.

But I have the trump card.
Prop 8.
The response thereto was truly hateful. Donors being tracked down and attacked. Oh, and get this, the blacks voted for it 70-30. That led to some interesting events...

"It was like being at a klan rally except the klansmen were wearing Abercrombie polos and Birkenstocks," wrote the commenter."

So, noble lefty. Please compare and contrast. Gays calling people the N-word for the way the voted versus voters picketing their representatives for the way they voted. Even if the left-wing fantasy of tea party "hate" took place, explain. For the members of the reality based community willing to come out into the sunlight, explain the real-world difference (i.e., no tea party racism/violence/etc.).

Finally, if I've learned one thing about the left, it is this:

They lie constantly. Anytime they allege someone said this or that, demand the tape. I've never heard a correct quotation.